Monday, September 13, 2010


As a fellow blogger said when she hit her 100,
"Wow, I am on my 100th post which I at least think is pretty cool...."

Cool, yes.
How could I have ever written one, let alone 100?, yes.

Looking back, I realize what I wanted to do.
Looking forward, I am unsure where I am going.

I don't seem to have shared as many stories of my younger life as a mom,
I have shared some of my learning and growing in fiber arts,
and I see where I have been transforming spiritually.

I can tell you that I am crazy in love with all three of my roles!
God has overdone and exceeded all of my expectations in each area!

Since writing my random thoughts, I have also been reading blogs of others.
A few bloggers I know personally,
a few bloggers share creativity in areas I am interested in,
a few bloggers are fun and fru fru.....check out Lobster and Swan.

For now, 100 is intimidating and my mind is a blank!
I am taking a vacation with my oldest daughter to Seattle.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to go in...Seattle.
Photos and stories to follow I'm sure.

I am leading a growth group at LSC on Boundaries.
We are getting deep with our growth groups this semester.
I am also taking a dear friend's group on the Proverb 31 woman.
I am currently not involved in a personal Bible study now.

I am enjoying my weaving so much.
I am about to finish my third project since my class.
I feel I am getting better.
I will try some new patterns and to shake the routine up a bit.
How will skipping a few spaces work?
Will it fall apart if I do?

Life is good.
I am blessed.
I am missing my girlfriends alot recently.
We are all so busy.
I want to make them a priority again.

On to 101!

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