Sunday, July 3, 2011

Correcting the spin

Yesterday and today
I have been feeling like I need to isolate.
Isolate everyone from me.
You know, move to a desert island
all your needs met,
but no one to speak words to.
My spinning wheel and a few choice lambs would be with me
but not much else.

This feeling tends to happen often to me
after a high, calm, everything goes my way period.
It also happens when I get too busy to center myself
in the morning with time with the Lord.
Amazing how that changes your attitude.

After another "discussion" with V,
I found myself correcting some of my thoughts.
Oh, still not pleased or agree or understand,
but correcting my responses and
opening my eyes about how others see my actions.

When reading this morning,
Charles Swindoll Embraced by the Spirit,
I began feeling frustrated with myself.
Have I learned nothing?
Have I grown not at all?

After a chapter, I felt better.
I was able to look at myself
and know that I do have a teachable spirit.
I didn't used to.
Hubby can witness to that with hands held high.

I can tell when my spirit is closed.
I just don't want to hear it!
I'm always right and you are wrong.

But when I am teachable,
I gladly hear and appreciate what you are saying.
I take periods where I reevaluate my actions.
I look to see what you see, and what YOU see.

I did this with spinning too!
I have been spinning for almost four years.
Love it!
Was taught one way and have been spinning my heart out!
At this recent weekend,
I learned that we are only taught bits and pieces at a time.
It's not like it used to be.
Where your grandmother/mother sat down with you,
showed you everything there was to know
about spinning, cooking, life.
We pick up bits and pieces in these forward moving times.

I picked up some doozies.
I have been learning short forward draw,
I have switched hands to boot.
It is taking patience and time and attention,
but I am correcting the spin.
I hope to have the whole holiday weekend to correct.
I also hope to have some beautiful core spun yarn,
well balanced and nice play would be perfect as well.

Thanks for the reminder that when I follow, and let You lead,
instead of doing things my own way,
I will not grieve,
but am filled with joy and a melodious heart!
I have been blessed!

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