Thursday, November 17, 2011


I had an interesting conversation with hubby yesterday.As he has been in Canada for an extended period,
we have been catching up on our frequent calls.
(I really missed being able to talk with him
at any moment I wanted to...he turns his phone off in Canada $.30 a minute..whew!)
He called and asked what I was doing.
My answer was...I'm making red velvet cupcakes.
He started laughing.

Apparently, his day was filled with political radio,
"discussions" with driver managers, and the world in general.
He said it felt like he came crashing back to the 1950's reality
when talking to me....good ol June Cleaver.
He was reminded that life is good, things move forward,
and that I ground him.
I however, never in all my dreams imagined that I would be
looked upon as June Cleaver.
Or mother earth, or, Pollyanna,or Miss Kris from my contemporaries.
I rather enjoy it.
I have a good life.
I am blessed that my hubby works really hard for our family,
and always has.
I am blessed that I was able to homeschool our daughters
and that they are amazing.
I am blessed that my days are filled with Mema, coffee,
cupcakes, care ministry, spinning, and taking care of others.
People say I am always so busy.
Most days I don't feel it, but when I look back,
yup..I'm pretty busy.
Last night V invited me to come to a poetry reading at Notre Dame.
Alice Notley was the poet.
Everything you would imagine a poet to look and act like.
She was funny and very very strange.
I followed the first series or works...I think,
but the last had my brain concentrating harder than it ever had before.
It actually was hard to decide what to have for dinner afterward.
There were so many obscure, weird, graphic ideas thrown around.
If this woman could be published and popular,
why can't others with more clear ideas do the same?
Or is it that she is so totally off the wall,
that others think her genius?

Anyway, it is a very cold morning,
Chuck has his sweater on in the house,
but my electric bills are only $51,
so the thermostat is staying where it is.
Maybe a bit higher to  67.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner,
I am making turkey, rolls and stuffing.
V and Mom have the rest, I think.
Delegating is good.
I am thankful!

1 comment:

Littlest Things said...

I love you and your life. It makes me smile think about the conversations you and dad enjoy daily and literally laugh out loud here in BN seeing the pic of Chuck in his sweater. I am blessed to have you as my mother.