Friday, March 2, 2012

queaks and smoke

I didn't want to
but crawled out of my warm bed,
addressed birthday and get well cards,
headed to the pet tore for dog and bird food,
got a latte and headed to the library,
then tried to get to the gym.

Before I arrived at the library,
I noticed brown smoke and funny squealing sounds from my ol van.
When I got to said library, there was so much moke,
that I headed straight for home.
Better to be there than tranded omewhere.
Think maybe a belt or something leaking onto omething.
I'll take it to the garage when HIl has a break, but am comfy at home
preparing for whatever nasty weather. S is ticking on my puter!

haring a photo that makes me mile of my wonderful
daughter in law for a bit of usnshine

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