Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spring is for beautiful babies

This past weekend I was invited to the one year birthday party of the most beautiful baby ever.
Yes, I went overboard on shopping.
Bought three books that I wish my girls had when they were one.
I would have enjoyed reading these to them over and over again.
I don't recall the names exactly, but:
The Yellow Box.....a sturdy flip, opposite book
The blue truck....with all kinds of sounds for things
and Barnyard dance! 
Even now I am humming it's merry little tune!

Then I went a bit crazy at the clothes store.
Who knew boy clothes in all their plaid and beach dude were so cool!

Anyway it was a great day with great people.
Mom L made wonderful circus cupcakes and Dad M was, and always is a joy.
A few months earlier, the cutest baby girl in the world,
and one who always smiles or is making duck faces, had her first year birthday.
These two are cousins.
The parents are friends of my youngest.
I have a baby shrine dedicated to the babies.
Someday, if God wills it, I will have grand "babies" of my own!
I do have two amazing step grandchildren, whom I adore beyond measure.
I just wish I was closer physically to them.
A farm close to them is in the retirement planning stage.

Until then, oooo and ahhhh at these two!
I am blessed!

Chuck and the grand dog will have to do for now!

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