Friday, September 4, 2009


What we think is possible is connected to what our history tells us is true.
Sometimes we need to rewrite history!

This makes me think of all the histories I have had.
It is difficult to overcome hard times when you seem to be drowning in it.
When you are sick, it seems as if you cannot remember what healthy felt like.
The same goes for when things are wonderful. You forget the times when you needed courage just to make it through the day.

One thing I have found is that friends and sharing your life are so important to your future.
I have the best friends anyone could ask for.
I didn't meet them until I was in my 30's.
For so long I thought I would not have a single good friend,
now I have 8 that I know would do anything for me!

There are times when I have no idea why we are all still friends, or friends at all, our lives are so different.
The one reason I can see, is that we all treat each other with respect and love.
We have never had any arguments in our lil' circle.
We don't judge each other for anything, and at the same time, we give our honest opinion when asked.
These are my sisters! The ones God provided for me! The ones who make my life history fine! They are worth every past event without friends.

Why is it that we can be so "friendly" with those we choose, but it is so difficult with those we are related to?
We, I, should try to be more a friend to the past too.
Life is a never ending lesson and I relish each moment!

You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.

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