Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Potato Creek Adventure

Labor Day was spent meandering around Potato Creek State Park.
It was a beautiful, cooler day.
Terry was home for the long weekend
and we decided to take an hour out for a trip to the park.
That hour turned into four/then dinner out.
We got terribly lost, even though we were given a map at check in.
We left the map in the car.

The only place I have ever been in Potato Creek,
was to park at Porter Cemetery....
I got turned around getting there, as I ALWAYS do.
It's habit..  Turn left at the check in, drive for a few miles,
then head back past check in, miss the turn to the cemetery,
and drive through the horse camping area.
This time, the horse camping area was FULL of campers and horses!

Once we park at the cemetery, the girls and I would usually turn right,
enter the #4 path through the gate,
walk around and come out at the fishing pier,
have lunch on a blanket in the cemetery,
after looking through the old headstones.

Terry and I decided to go backwards.
It was a great walk...the first hour.
The second hour, we were working a bit harder.
The third hour, we definitely had gotten lost.
We even tried to find ourselves on the IPhone's GPS.
We tried following people who would come up behind us,
but didn't want to look conspicuously lost,
so we hung back a bit.
They all eventually lost us, as we continued to be lost.
Finally we found a couple walking toward us,
and we desperately asked if we were close to the cemetery.
"Oh sure!  Just go another half a mile,
and take the larger path to the left when it separates."
Thanks you! 

We did make it back safely.
We did have a wonderful time walking and talking and sight seeing together.
Next time however, we will look at the map.
Instead of choosing the 2 1/2 mile rugged trail,
(which I am sure we did at least 5 miles with the different turn offs we managed!)
we will choose the 1 mile leisurely trail.
That is if I can EVER convince Terry to come to Potato Creek again!
Happy Labor day!

 Terry's pic...
 My pic of the same scene!

 One day Terry would like to build a path...just because.

 Terry really liked this bench.

 wonderful, clear, iced cold water that tasted better than the bottled water I brought.
Yea, don't look in the upper right hand corner at the worms.
I don't believe in microscopic bugs living in spring water!

 If we were younger, in better shape, and not so freaking tired, we would have followed the path down to this creek, taken our shoes off, and walked a bit in the cold water.

 This looked like an old wise man watching over us!
Good bye from Terry and Kris!

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