Saturday, April 14, 2012


We are a bit sad in the Ballard home now.
My youngest ended her relationship after almost 5 years.
I really tried not to like this fella.
But I ended up adoring him.
Yes, they had some problems,
but overall he is a great guy.
Thoughts of the future were not lining up for them.
They both need to grow up a bit,
and figure out who they are first.
And boys will be boys.
We are not only mourning the loss of relationship,
but for the past five years, her life has revolved around him
and his friends and their activities.
It is daunting now to try to find new friends, activities,
and decipher if some of those activities can happen again....
such as camping and musical interests.
Please pray for these two young people.
Whatever their paths may be.
Pray that the fella discovers a wonderful relationship with the Lord!
Please pray that my own attachments are tabled,
and that God leads me with wisdom and patience
as life changes drastically over here.

I am blessed but sad.


Very Sleepy Girl said...

That is never easy. Your picture depicts the pain so truly. Prayers for your family.

Kathy said...

Gracious, I can understand this - my daughter did marry a wonderful man - we are so grateful, however my son had to break up a while back with his girlfriend - it was the best for both of them - I hurt for them both, but assure him God will direct just the right girl his way - he just needed to prepare himself and follow God's leading.
Prayers for your family too,