Friday, April 20, 2012


Mema to school Today instead of walking with the walker, she sat down on it like it was a wheelchair. I told her she was backward and she turned around and went into the building.

Took Chuck for a haircut. I took a picture of my mom's dog, Trixie, cause she just looks so darn cute.
I asked the groomer not to go as short as that though. When I cam back two hours later, Chuck was embarrassed.
I don't believe she knew how to trim a schnauzer beard. That will be the last time Chuck has his mustache and beard trimmed.
Stopped by Barnes and Noble while Chuck was at the hairdresser.
Looked through a few new magazines, has a bagel and coffee.
I don't get here as often as I used to, since Mema goes to school five days a week now.
No time to take her to see the little kids playing.

Came home in the cold rain to discover the water heater is on the fritz again.
Poor Hil and I have had two cold showers in a row.
Not pleasant!
Even if Dr. Oz says a cold shower will boost your metabolism... not for this girl.
That call was over five hours ago.
We are still on the work order, so I'll be house bound for a bit.

I lit some candles, made some orchard apricot hot tea with honey,
am knitting on V's birthday present... I have until June 12 to finish the difficult lace.

In between rows, I am surfing the net, exploring others' blogs....
and shooting at the crows eating all of the peanuts in the bird feeder.
I am getting to be a pretty good shot with the bb gun!
I only aim at the squirrel can on the feeder tho.
Don't know what I would do if I hit a bird, crow or not!

Hubby will be in San Diago this weekend, and Ft Worth by Tuesday.
I am hoping he gets back to St Cloud so I can drive up and help him set up his new truck.
It's time to travel a bit and see the country.
I didn't go last year as he didn't get a new truck, and I refuse to travel in the old one!

SO as I wait, I'll get my hair colored tomorrow,
be excited for my youngest to get her first single apartment!
Really really excited not to have bobby pins EVERYWHERE!
This new home is the PERFECT distraction for all of us!

And get ready for my master spinner class in July!
I must spin 150 yards of white wool do dye with.

I am blessed!

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