I picked up my baby today from her boyfriends house.
I must admit that this still bothers me.
I am getting to like him, but the overnights still bother me.
Please Lord....no living together until they are married.
So much to look forward to!
She and Joe went to Cancun for the week with her work.
More of a vacation, than work, but.
If you know the Ballard family at all, you must know that nothing...
NOTHING ever goes right or well or as planned.
God likes to throw situations at us.
As a family, we have managed to survive, thrive and laugh about our "adventures!"
It rained in Cancun half of the time.
Hilary caught a horrible cold.. that always goes into bronchitis with her asthma.
The day she was in the sun, her forehead and nose got terribly blistered.
The training was a joke.
She couldn't drink because her throat was sore. (thanks God)
The one day she felt like drinking at the all inclusive bar in the pool,
it closed after one drink! (Again, thanks God)
Their one trip out to snorkel, swim with the sharks and parasail...
The way she told it to me, made me laugh until I had to pee!
Four party cruise ships and one catamaran...
guess which they got stuck with.
Her flipper fell off, her life vest fell off, swimming with the sharks was a pool.
The guy held the shark, handed it to you and they took a picture.
It was a nurse shark, with no teeth.
Couldn't parasail with a catamaran!
I swear it was going to turn out like that movie where the couple gets left behind and is eaten by sharks.....which, they were the last ones back on the cat.
And finally...
Her suitcase was ripped upon returning to the US.
All I know is that Hilary and Joe made the best of a bad vacation.
They laughed and joked and had a good time with what they were delt.
They brought me huge seashells that Joe dove in the ocean at night for.
And a beautiful beaded bracelet and iguana charm.
It was good to see them again. Good to hug her tightly again.
Good to be able to get and send good morning and nighty night texts again.
I will enjoy seeing all the pictures and hear more stories!
And change my panties!
Thanks God for bringing them home safely and allowing them to laugh at your sense of humor with such character building!
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