I had a wonderful weekend.
Nice dinner with girly girls.
Funny play at the Morris about girlfriends.
Made me want to place my friends in the characters,
like I used to do with movies like Big Chill.
No one fit very easily in these characters,
but I believe we all fit in the crazy one more than any other!
Church was great.
Always is.
I love my church!
I love the pastor. He's so down to earth.
Most times.
The underware model thing was a bit much!
But he is humble.
I feel like I belong.
I know people finally.
I have a mission, and I feel fulfilled.
It needs to be expanded, but God blesses me through it!
Today was chilly but sunny.
I washed three pots of Shetland sheep and dyed them at the same time.
Never tried dyeing in the grease before.
Worked really well! Love skipping a step.
I now have green, purple, blue, orange red, fuscia and another softer red.
I dyed mohair curls at the same time.
I feel happy.
I am curled up in sweater pants, and a sweatshirt with hot coffee.
Chuck is beside me sleepy.
It's ok to feel warm and comfy on cool nights, even in the summer!
No matter how happy I am today, I realize that others are struggling.
I wish everyone was as happy as I.
V had a horrible day. It's raining in Cancun on H.
People in Europe are stuck because of a volcano.
A friend has stage 4 lung cancer.
People are lonely.
People are sad.
People are stressed.
I thought Teresa's communion talk was so wonderful.
She prayed for God to bless all those surrounding her.
To lift them up and heal them, make them happy and feel loved.
I can't put it like she did.
I wish I could.
It was very moving!
I pray that for all of you too.
I am blessed and loved and healthy.
I do not want to take that for granted.
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