Had a wonderful day yesterday visiting.
Lunched with a new friend and heard and commiserated about the south.
Then another friend stopped by and we visited on the deck and had a boca burger.
Good thing I didn't have any plans or motivation yesterday, or I find that I would have been a bit miffed at wasted time!
God does put me in a state of mind for what he has coming my direction.
I bought a "comfy chair" for the deck. Of course I put it together backwards and as I was tightening the bolts, I thought I should keep them loose in case......I will spend sometime today redoing the chair.
V and H and I went to see the opening of Sex and the City 2 last night.
It was a pretty good movie.
All the actresses look much older.
The clothes and shoes and city were glittering!
Makes me want to travel...but maybe not to Abu Dhabi!
The middle east seems a scary place to me in these times of war.
The older I get, the less I am willing to risk the unknown.
After the movie, we three went to Houlihans to have a girly drink.
I am such a novice at this stuff!
Hil had her gin and tonic and V had the Sex and City Cosmopolitan.
I had no idea of course...so the waitress got me a key lime martini.
Graham cracker crumbs on the glass!
Interesting and very strong of vodka!
Should have gone the cosmo.
When I got home, I had a hard time falling asleep.
Too many glitzy things swirling around my head.
Liza Minnelli was in the movie and she danced and sang very surprisingly well for being an old broad! She is in great shape!
Only Sex and the City could get away with such blatant gay stereotypes...but it was fun.
I am in the middle of redecorating the family room and the movie made me take a second look.
As I discovered, I am a very pale, earthy colored calm person when it comes to decorating.
Before last night I really didn't think much about that.
After last night I had visions of cool, uptown, funky styling!
I loved her apartment! Always have!
Wonder if I could pull that off?
Maybe in just one room.
Then again, is there anything wrong with calm?
It will take me a while to make the preparations.....tearing carpet up, redoing floor, painting, furniture etc.
I suppose I have a bit of time to ponder.