It has been quite a while since I signed on.
I was riding in Terry's new truck for the past 17 days.
We went to St. Cloud Minnesota,(have you seen the new tempurpedic commercial from there?) down to Laredo Texas, (with a stop to see the grandbabies) to Houston TX, to Modesto CA, (I was only 1.5 miles from a yarn shop...didn't get to go)to Los Angles, (I only got pictures of the street signs of Hollywood, etc) then to Reform Al where Hilary picked me up to come home through Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana.
All in all, I had a wonderful time...and only gained 4 pounds of my lost 20. Since being home I have lost 6 pounds. I credit that to plain old moving!
I was on a cross country trip with Terry about 5 years ago on our 20th anniversary.
We went up through Idaho, Washington, New Mexico, Texas, and Tennessee.
I saw and took over 300 pictures that time of all the interesting rocks, deserts, area 51, cactus, etc.
This time, I took a few pictures. Lots less than the first time.
It just wasn't as exciting as the first time through the desert.
I have decided where I DON'T want to retire to!
I always imagined Albuquerque NM. Nope. I am so tired of desert. No people at all.
Only sand and rocks and snakes. Hundreds of miles of it!
I am definitely a mountain or beach girl....and by beach I mean Maine! Possibly Oregon....
Since being home I have sewn with abandon on Hilary's 80's punk prom dress, and worked in my garden and slept! Alot!
I am attending the 80's prom, but I am going as I used to dress when in High School
I am dressing flash dance!
I had completely forgotten how I used to dress, how things were decorated, etc. Mainly because I was not Madonna. I was very comfortable in cut off sweatshirt and leggings. Also the flipped collar on polos, usually with a sweater tied over my shoulders.
Not really remembering the blue eye shadow...but it's a party....I'm going with it!
Will post pics next week. Hopefully I can figure out how to get them from my phone!
Like...for sure!
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