Day of rest....
or for me, the day to mow the lawn.
I rest when I mow, and work in the yard.
Always have.
The humidity has been unbearable,
and the mosquitoes have been horrid,
so I have not spent much time outside.
The sermon this morning was "powerful"
I love my church.
I planted beans and lettuce today.
The peppers and tomatoes seem to be doing well.
Going to try to find some squash this week.
I am going to try to stop into farmers market
at lease once a week through this season.
I want to can alot this year,
as I loved it so last year
and have enjoyed the fruits of my labor
in chilies and veggies as sides.
Lots going on this week.
Meetings at church and studies,
weeding the unity garden,
my second diagnostic mammogram and ultra sound
on Tuesday,
my oldest turns 24 on the 12th,
and we are painting and packing her up for a move July 1.
Terry is hopefully coming home this weekend.
Maybe his mood will be better than it has been.
There is peach ice cream and a bbq to look forward to,
so there is a good possiblitly.
If not, he has his comfy truck to sleep in...LOL
I have been itching to get out the spinning wheel,
but will wait until the classes at the end of the month
are a bit closer.
I need to wash some icelandic, but cannot do anything else that day,
as it takes some concentrated time if not thought.
Hill and I bought way to many berries this week,
so I am trying to come up with a cobbler or something similar.
It's too hot to cook,
and the grill burner needs replacing.
I have the parts, just not the motivation.
After digging out and cleaning the vacuum yesterday,
I think I'll finish the book I started.
I am blessed,
even when I don't feel like it!
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