Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack!

I didn't intentionally avoid writing.
The holidays overtook most of my time.

I quickly knit up many last minute hats as gifts.
My main project was the sweater for the granddaughter.
It turned out great and she loved it!
Started Hil's socks...thigh high....the week before Xmas,
and needless to say, they have yet to be completed.
Have a good start tho.

Terry was home for four days,
and we enjoyed time together,
stocking stuffer shopping,
some personal business taken care of,
a few meals out,
and a wonderful Christmas Eve and LSC,
followed by the best Christmas morning we have had yet.

Monkey bread and scrambled eggs,
ham, hash brown potatoes, green beans, baked squash,
crescent rolls and Shirley's jello.

The main course was delish,
but I seem to have forgotten how to bake.
The only thing that turned out were the sugar cookies, and peppermint canes.
I threw one batch of fudge out....
I am blaming the out of date fluff.
The divinity, even tho made on a sunny day,
turned into taffy.
Butterballs, my favorite....both batches failed,
even tho folks ate them and said they tasted good.

Maybe because I am starting my healthy living,
is the reason I cannot bake sweets.

Both girls are working with a trainer, and eating minimal types of food.
May as well join the team......
but I will be on the total gym instead of going to one.

I was over blessed this year.
One might even say spoiled.
I feel very loved by all.
We actually started out saying no gifts this year...
well, I am the mommy.
I shopped a bit.
Most of us used amazon.com,
even tho I began hearing black commercials against them,
as they do not charge state taxes.

V and I took the day off yesterday and hit Four Winds Casino.
It was a nice drive, and even though we didn't win anything,
we had a wonderful time losing what we brought.
We tried a few new games, and were disappointed with Pharaoh...again.
The buffet line was too  long, so we went to Martin's for a salad bar.
I so enjoy spending time with my girls.

The birds are fed,
chuck needs a bath and hair cut,
I am working on my resolution/bucket/things I must do this year lists.
I am determined.

Well, maybe I'll get out the spinning wheel again before New Years.
I miss the ol girl!

Have a very Happy and joyous New Year!
You will be in my daily thoughts.
Even if I don't get around to blogging as often.

Be blessed yourselves.

P.S. It seems my puter won't download any pictures at the moment....

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