It's always an adventure! Life of an artist while raising and releasing daughters. Memories, current happenings, short stories. My mistakes and triumphs along the way.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
daily walks
Taking daily walks around the neighborhood,
(Chuck and I are mostly up to two walks a day)
have more benefits than exercise for us.
At the first corner, across the street,
three little boys always catch sight of us,
and hollar over..."can we pet your dog?"
Chuck is getting used to these little boys.
Actually I think he looks forward to their admiration!
They informed me that they are not having a good summer,
but could not say why.
One boy asked if I wanted him to tell me anyway.
I told him no, that I didn't want him to tell a secret if he wasn't supposed to.
Around the other corner I am getting to know more of my neighbors.
Doug, who has heart and diabetic problems,
is always sitting on his front step.
John, who was the first neighbor I met,
his wife Pat.
I recently discovered that they are aunt and uncle of
Kay, a friend from church.
Sweet people.
John used to drive stock cars and still
has a shiney, red corvette he likes to drive too fast.
Then there is Brett.
The youngest neighbor, by far.
He takes great pride in his yard/lawn.
He is schooling me on my pitiful grass.
I am off to get nitrogen fertilaizer tomorrow to spread next week.
I may have to tear out my front lawn, as it is half Bermuda grass.
John and Doug were both out tonight watering their lawn.
I told them it was hard to keep up with Brett.
They threatened to turn the hoses on me!
They laugh because Chuck is afraid of sprinklers.
I joked that I thought Brett was skipping showers
because he was watering his lawn so much.
Brett overheard me and informed me that that was not the case!
John and Doug, again were laughing at me!
Two doors down from Brett is Dolly, or Marilyn for real.
She says to remember Dolly Parton...
which is as far from reality as you can get.
She had roter cuff surgery last month
and is struggling with therapy.
I am enjoying these evening walks.
I always plan on taking my time, not rushing,
so there is time for conversation.
Maybe I'll bake some cookies to be neighborly....
I am blessed :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
After nearly six years of spinning yarn,
I am overwhelmed at the lack of knowledge people have of it.
If you know me at all, you know I spin yarn.
If you know me better, you understand some of the terminology.
If you are my family,
you are bored and quite knowledgeable of every aspect of my passion.
I took a weekend-long, how to spin class,
and came home with a Kromski Sonata spinning wheel six years ago.
Spinning had been a curiosity for me for twenty years.
My mom owned a yarn shop in Pittsburgh when I was young,
so I suppose it's in my blood.
The first time I went to a fiber festival....
where one buys all kinds of fiber for spinning into yarn,
I came home with three raw Romney sheep fleeces.
I took a sample to show my girly girls, in a sandwich baggie.
We were at Red Lobster for lunch.
Probably not the best place to take raw, lanolin wool :)
I love the earthy farm animal smells of it!
And lanolin is a great moisturizer!
Whenever I post that I am going to a fiber festival,
I always get one response....
"for bran and flax seed? They have festivals for that?"
I'm sure they do somewhere, but not that kind of fiber!
Whenever I say that I am going to spin today,
I always get at least one person
who thinks I am spinning on a bike, in a gym, for fitness.
Do I look like I SPIN?
This past weekend, I attended a fiber festival above Chicago.
I took a few classes there last year, but this year was strictly buying.
(I will be attending the first of a six year class from Olds College
this July to earn a master spinners degree tho....
so excited!)
On my way home, trying not to dread the drive through Friday 6pm traffic jams,
I received a call from someone who I have never met, but we talk pretty often.
He was tired from his week, as I was weary, driving tired.
I mentioned where I had been.
Totally floored and confused him.
I spent the next 45 minutes answering questions from him.
After the icky factor (for him) of where yarn comes from,
he wanted to know all about my wheel,
how I dye fiber,
where I get fiber, etc.
He was really stoked.
He couldn't get the image of the old Revolutionary War's
huge spinning wheels out of his mind's eye.
What did they spin with?.....most probably wool, cotton or flax.
How lucky my husband must be to get warm socks
that came from the sheep to begin with.
(Do you feel lucky honey?)
Before hanging up, I could tell he was excited.
He told me he was going to go home and tell his wife what he learned.
He was even going to look online about spinning
and see if there were any festivals near Santa Monica.
(Yes, I would die to live in California...the supply is staggering for product and classes!)
Since I have begun spinning, it seems as if this age old hobby has boomed.
Every state in the country has some sort of fiber event,
and the internet is full of supply for any kind of fiber!
My ride home, was exhilarating!
I bought a venti breve latte with an extra shot,
turned the GPS to no tolls,
tuned the radio to oldies.....which now days is 80's music!
Perfect for me to sing along to!
I seemed to glide through traffic,
I was conscious of other drivers and allowed plenty of room between
me and the car in front of me, for easy access.
So, if you are curious, skim through some of my older posts
for references to spinning or dyeing or vocabulary.
Type in to Google Spinning Fiber and see what you get.
I will happily show you how to spin wool, cotton, silk, milk or soy
into yarn, and then teach you how to knit or crochet.
My friends call me mother earth.
I don't mind, I am a throw back I suppose.
I am truly blessed my hubby finds joy in his socks,
and am able to continue with my passions.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
As I was studying this week,
I discovered a few things.
When you grow up in a Christian home, like I have,
maybe some of the stories you hear all of the time,
get lost in the context.
I learned the whole story this week.
This is just my interpretation tho...
When I think of the disciple Simon Peter
I think of big, gruff, mouthy, opinionated, fisherman.
I read a book years ago....Joshua by Joseph Girzone
... and there was a beautiful description of Peter
that I have treasured ever since.
The story of Peter walking on water, is one story I never tire of.
My friends and I did a study called,
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.
by John Ortberg
Peter had a great faith, no fear to step out, and a great love for his friend Jesus.
Peter also denied Christ three times
which I believe he felt such shame and remorse for, that it crippled him.
Most Christians know this story.
What I learned this week was, after Jesus rose again,
He not only visited the upper room and ate with His friends,
He ate with them a second time, and dispelled the doubt of Thomas.
Not only did He appear to many people,
but He was hopping around town so much, that if the stories were all written down,
they would fill another Bible sized book.
The one story I found surprising and thought provoking was in John 21.
I had heard this story many times, but never knew it happened after Jesus rose.
It had been a few weeks,
and the disciples were to meet up with Jesus on a mountain in Galilee.
However, Peter decides to go fishing.
He still has not forgiven himself.
What do we do when we are working something out...
something bad about ourselves that we don't even really want to think about?
We check out.
We distract ourselves.
We drop off the grid.
Peter went fishing,
something we don't read about him doing
since he began to follow Jesus two years earlier.
Peter's good friends decide to go with him.
Maybe they see that he has been struggling with something.
He hasn't seemed his old self,
especially since their Lord is back from the dead.
They decided he needed some shoulders.
Off they go into the boat.
They don't catch any fish though.
Some wise guy calls out to them from the shore
and asks if they caught anything.
Must have made an already tense mood even more so.
Can you imagine the response they had when this guy
tells them to throw the net over to the other side of the boat.
Yea right!
OK buddy.... we'll try it your way...har de har har.
Lo and behold, they catch 153 fish!
Why we know that it was 153, I don't get...but apparently that was quite the haul.
Then it hits them.
John says, hey look guys, it's Jesus! Of course it is!
Peter gets so overwhelmed that he grabs his coat
and jumps in the lake, swimming for Jesus.
Why did he grab his coat?
Usually we strip of heavy clothing before swimming.
But in he goes!
Again, following after Jesus without thoughts of himself...
just wants to get to his friend as fast as he can.
Can you just see Jesus on the shore, laughing at his big friend?
What a sight!
But how it must have swelled Jesus' heart.
From the story, Peter hops in the boat when it gets to shore
and pulls out the net and fish.
Possibly hauls it by himself, but the net doesn't rip from the load.
I imagine a kid pulling the mesh bag full of beach toys out of the car toward the ocean.
So excited to just get there and play.
It would go much faster and with less spillage if his parents were to help,
but he is ready to build that sand castle!
After they have their breakfast of fish and bread cooked on the fire made by Jesus,
on this third visit from their risen friend,
Jesus and Peter take a walk.
Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him more than these friends.
Of course I do Lord!
Jesus says feed my lambs.
Jesus asks again, do you truly love me?
Peter's response is the same.
Then take care of my sheep.
A third time Jesus asks if Peter loves him.
At this, Peter is hurt.
His answer is more sharp.
"You know all things, you know I love you."
Is he hurt because maybe Jesus doesn't believe him?
Maybe Peter is thinking of the other three times when he should have loved Christ,
but his love was overcome by fear.
Was Jesus making a point by asking him three times?
If He was, it was in a forgiving way,
as He was asking Peter to take are of His loved ones.
Love the people He died for.
Feed my sheep.
Then He tells his friend that he will have a death that he doesn't want.
I believe He told him this because He was comforting His friend,
and letting Him know that He was forgiven, was loved, and was trusted.
As you would tell a good friend of an upcoming bad thing about to happen.
There is nothing to do to stop it,
but you can lift your friend
and let him know that you will be there with him.
Peter would do great things for the Lord after this, and never again back away.
Thank you again Kristen for leading me to this study by Max Lucado.
Experienceing the Heart of Jesus
I am getting oh so much out of it!
I discovered a few things.
When you grow up in a Christian home, like I have,
maybe some of the stories you hear all of the time,
get lost in the context.
I learned the whole story this week.
This is just my interpretation tho...
When I think of the disciple Simon Peter
I think of big, gruff, mouthy, opinionated, fisherman.
I read a book years ago....Joshua by Joseph Girzone
... and there was a beautiful description of Peter
that I have treasured ever since.
The story of Peter walking on water, is one story I never tire of.
My friends and I did a study called,
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.
by John Ortberg
Peter had a great faith, no fear to step out, and a great love for his friend Jesus.
Peter also denied Christ three times
which I believe he felt such shame and remorse for, that it crippled him.
Most Christians know this story.
What I learned this week was, after Jesus rose again,
He not only visited the upper room and ate with His friends,
He ate with them a second time, and dispelled the doubt of Thomas.
Not only did He appear to many people,
but He was hopping around town so much, that if the stories were all written down,
they would fill another Bible sized book.
The one story I found surprising and thought provoking was in John 21.
I had heard this story many times, but never knew it happened after Jesus rose.
It had been a few weeks,
and the disciples were to meet up with Jesus on a mountain in Galilee.
However, Peter decides to go fishing.
He still has not forgiven himself.
What do we do when we are working something out...
something bad about ourselves that we don't even really want to think about?
We check out.
We distract ourselves.
We drop off the grid.
Peter went fishing,
something we don't read about him doing
since he began to follow Jesus two years earlier.
Peter's good friends decide to go with him.
Maybe they see that he has been struggling with something.
He hasn't seemed his old self,
especially since their Lord is back from the dead.
They decided he needed some shoulders.
Off they go into the boat.
They don't catch any fish though.
Some wise guy calls out to them from the shore
and asks if they caught anything.
Must have made an already tense mood even more so.
Can you imagine the response they had when this guy
tells them to throw the net over to the other side of the boat.
Yea right!
OK buddy.... we'll try it your way...har de har har.
Lo and behold, they catch 153 fish!
Why we know that it was 153, I don't get...but apparently that was quite the haul.
Then it hits them.
John says, hey look guys, it's Jesus! Of course it is!
Peter gets so overwhelmed that he grabs his coat
and jumps in the lake, swimming for Jesus.
Why did he grab his coat?
Usually we strip of heavy clothing before swimming.
But in he goes!
Again, following after Jesus without thoughts of himself...
just wants to get to his friend as fast as he can.
Can you just see Jesus on the shore, laughing at his big friend?
What a sight!
But how it must have swelled Jesus' heart.
From the story, Peter hops in the boat when it gets to shore
and pulls out the net and fish.
Possibly hauls it by himself, but the net doesn't rip from the load.
I imagine a kid pulling the mesh bag full of beach toys out of the car toward the ocean.
So excited to just get there and play.
It would go much faster and with less spillage if his parents were to help,
but he is ready to build that sand castle!
After they have their breakfast of fish and bread cooked on the fire made by Jesus,
on this third visit from their risen friend,
Jesus and Peter take a walk.
Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him more than these friends.
Of course I do Lord!
Jesus says feed my lambs.
Jesus asks again, do you truly love me?
Peter's response is the same.
Then take care of my sheep.
A third time Jesus asks if Peter loves him.
At this, Peter is hurt.
His answer is more sharp.
"You know all things, you know I love you."
Is he hurt because maybe Jesus doesn't believe him?
Maybe Peter is thinking of the other three times when he should have loved Christ,
but his love was overcome by fear.
Was Jesus making a point by asking him three times?
If He was, it was in a forgiving way,
as He was asking Peter to take are of His loved ones.
Love the people He died for.
Feed my sheep.
Then He tells his friend that he will have a death that he doesn't want.
I believe He told him this because He was comforting His friend,
and letting Him know that He was forgiven, was loved, and was trusted.
As you would tell a good friend of an upcoming bad thing about to happen.
There is nothing to do to stop it,
but you can lift your friend
and let him know that you will be there with him.
Peter would do great things for the Lord after this, and never again back away.
Thank you again Kristen for leading me to this study by Max Lucado.
Experienceing the Heart of Jesus
I am getting oh so much out of it!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I'm Blue.....da ba dee...
I took a little trip to dye land last week.
I was just itching to get into some wool.
I soaked the cormo wool in water over night.
Then I got out the indigo start I received from
a natural dye class I took last year.
Now, in the old days, indigo dye was made in a large vat,
over a period of months,
steeping and stirring
and adding urine from preteen boys to cure it.
As I do not have any preteen boys' urine....icky...
I choose to use chemicals.
This age old process is how your blue jeans get blue!
I love the chemical reactions!
The mossy yellow, green bath,
adding chemicals to the vat if it gets too acid or alkaline.
Laying the pre wetted fiber in to the pot at 125 degrees,
slowly so as not to add oxygen.
Then slowly pulling out the green fibers.
Almost instantly as the fiber hits the air.....
the green turns blue!!!
Such a cool process!
The deeper the color you want,
the more times you dip the dyed fiber in the vat!
A quick vinegar water bath, let it dry,
then off to be carded and spun into wonderful yarn!

After I had dyed all of the fiber,
I started looking for other things to dye:
an old white tank top,
my dyeing apron....what fun!
I also dyed some corridale with Easter egg dyes.
I was hoping for pink with subtle shades of green and yellow.
The green did not work.
But I had lots of fun painting on the wool,
wrapping it in saran,
steaming it in my homemade steamer.....
then rinse and dry.
I spun it into some luscious yarn that is so soft,
I may save it for something special for myself.
I am blessed to be having this much fun!
I was just itching to get into some wool.
I soaked the cormo wool in water over night.
Then I got out the indigo start I received from
a natural dye class I took last year.
Now, in the old days, indigo dye was made in a large vat,
over a period of months,
steeping and stirring
and adding urine from preteen boys to cure it.
As I do not have any preteen boys' urine....icky...
I choose to use chemicals.
This age old process is how your blue jeans get blue!
I love the chemical reactions!
The mossy yellow, green bath,
adding chemicals to the vat if it gets too acid or alkaline.
Laying the pre wetted fiber in to the pot at 125 degrees,
slowly so as not to add oxygen.
Then slowly pulling out the green fibers.
Almost instantly as the fiber hits the air.....
the green turns blue!!!
Such a cool process!
The deeper the color you want,
the more times you dip the dyed fiber in the vat!
A quick vinegar water bath, let it dry,
then off to be carded and spun into wonderful yarn!
Ahhhh, bird songs and country music in the back yard!
After I had dyed all of the fiber,
I started looking for other things to dye:
an old white tank top,
my dyeing apron....what fun!
I also dyed some corridale with Easter egg dyes.
I was hoping for pink with subtle shades of green and yellow.
The green did not work.
But I had lots of fun painting on the wool,
wrapping it in saran,
steaming it in my homemade steamer.....
then rinse and dry.
I may save it for something special for myself.
I am blessed to be having this much fun!
Friday, June 8, 2012
A Bad Day
It's been one of those days right from the get go.
Don't know why I am surprised.
Change is a very hard thing to do,
especially if you are not aware that a change needs to happen.
Some changes happen slowly without even one realizing they are happening.
Some changes and consequences spring up on you out of nowhere.
Some are not your fault, but affect your life in every way.
At the end of the day.....
forgive my french....
shit just flows down stream,
and here I am with my net ready to sift through it all.
I don't like being here,
but I chose to be here one way or another.
It is already a better day,
because I put my big girl panties on.
I said I was sorry,
that got me nowhere
except that I did what I was supposed to do,
and God smiled on me because I am learning.
Knitting up a cute little turtle cape and hat
for an adorable little fella that was born last night.
I started a new radical diet yesterday
and am very excited about it!
I didn't even cheat today when I was upset!
This one may actually take!
8 weeks of strict no sugar, fruit, breads, milk or grains.
All the veggies I want and meat too!
And I can have half and half in my coffee!
After an extreme workout Monday with a trainer....
my last I believe...
I can walk almost 95% back to normal.
(skinny little 90 pound cheerleader trainers,
need to know that many lunges and squats
for someone old and out of shape like me
are going to take their toll!)
I hate it when I can't sit on the toilet
or once there, get back up.
Or, can't seem to manage stepping down a 1/2" curb without pain.
(My girls think I'm silly,
but they are in shape and in their twenties!
Not out of shape and near fifty!
Your time is coming my lovelies
when you don't bounce back as quickly as you once did!
It's amazing how one's body shifts and the mind doesn't!)
When I took my 89 year old Mema to "school" Wednesday,
as I kissed her and as I was leaving,
she grabbed me and told me to be careful on the steps.
Then turned to the aide and said
"she's all crippled up."
I love my Mema!
I am blessed.
God is good all of the time!
Don't know why I am surprised.
Change is a very hard thing to do,
especially if you are not aware that a change needs to happen.
Some changes happen slowly without even one realizing they are happening.
Some changes and consequences spring up on you out of nowhere.
Some are not your fault, but affect your life in every way.
At the end of the day.....
forgive my french....
shit just flows down stream,
and here I am with my net ready to sift through it all.
I don't like being here,
but I chose to be here one way or another.
It is already a better day,
because I put my big girl panties on.
I said I was sorry,
that got me nowhere
except that I did what I was supposed to do,
and God smiled on me because I am learning.
Knitting up a cute little turtle cape and hat
for an adorable little fella that was born last night.
I started a new radical diet yesterday
and am very excited about it!
I didn't even cheat today when I was upset!
This one may actually take!
8 weeks of strict no sugar, fruit, breads, milk or grains.
All the veggies I want and meat too!
And I can have half and half in my coffee!
After an extreme workout Monday with a trainer....
my last I believe...
I can walk almost 95% back to normal.
(skinny little 90 pound cheerleader trainers,
need to know that many lunges and squats
for someone old and out of shape like me
are going to take their toll!)
I hate it when I can't sit on the toilet
or once there, get back up.
Or, can't seem to manage stepping down a 1/2" curb without pain.
(My girls think I'm silly,
but they are in shape and in their twenties!
Not out of shape and near fifty!
Your time is coming my lovelies
when you don't bounce back as quickly as you once did!
It's amazing how one's body shifts and the mind doesn't!)
When I took my 89 year old Mema to "school" Wednesday,
as I kissed her and as I was leaving,
she grabbed me and told me to be careful on the steps.
Then turned to the aide and said
"she's all crippled up."
I love my Mema!
I am blessed.
God is good all of the time!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Da Bear!
A few miles down the road driving through Alberta Canada,
Terry and I had just videoed a young moose not too far from the road.
He stopped and I took some great pics and video oh her!
(See previous post)
Suddenly, we both saw a black bear!
Terry slammed on his brakes...
not an easy task for a fully loaded 18 wheeler!
We both got out of the truck.
I know, I know! DUMB!!!
There was a slight hill/decline, at the side of the road.
Terry took off down the road,and I slowly followed,
thinking this was not a good move.
At lease with the moose, there was a bigger space difference between us,
and a fence!
I saw that Terry had spotted the bear.
I quietly came up beside him and took a picture.
When I turned the video on,
I noticed that the hill was smaller than it seemed before,
a quarter mile next to where we had left the truck.
I also noticed that the bear was ...maybe...20-30 yards from us.
I pushed record.
If you are quiet, and the volume is up,
you can hear me say...whispering...
"OK let's go"
Then Terry decides to be cute...
Even before the camera is off,
I am running as quickly as I can back to the truck~
I don't even want to see if the bear noticed us!
If he did, and is chasing us,
Terry will be caught the joke goes....
I just had to out run him, not the bear!
Really all I was thinking
was that there was a cell phone in the truck.
If Terry indeed got attacked by the bear, I would call for help,
while in the saftey of the locked truck!
Don't know if a bear could climb onto a large truck,
and disengage the door lock,
but I wasn't taking any chances!
If you are that stupid to disturb a
"just awakened from a long winter's nap" bear,
then you dserve what you get!
Needless to say, Terry was not eaten, and we have a fun story.
So very blessed with LUCK!
Thank you God!
Terry and I had just videoed a young moose not too far from the road.
He stopped and I took some great pics and video oh her!
(See previous post)
Suddenly, we both saw a black bear!
Terry slammed on his brakes...
not an easy task for a fully loaded 18 wheeler!
We both got out of the truck.
I know, I know! DUMB!!!
There was a slight hill/decline, at the side of the road.
Terry took off down the road,and I slowly followed,
thinking this was not a good move.
At lease with the moose, there was a bigger space difference between us,
and a fence!
I saw that Terry had spotted the bear.
I quietly came up beside him and took a picture.
When I turned the video on,
I noticed that the hill was smaller than it seemed before,
a quarter mile next to where we had left the truck.
I also noticed that the bear was ...maybe...20-30 yards from us.
I pushed record.
If you are quiet, and the volume is up,
you can hear me say...whispering...
"OK let's go"
Then Terry decides to be cute...
Even before the camera is off,
I am running as quickly as I can back to the truck~
I don't even want to see if the bear noticed us!
If he did, and is chasing us,
Terry will be caught the joke goes....
I just had to out run him, not the bear!
Really all I was thinking
was that there was a cell phone in the truck.
If Terry indeed got attacked by the bear, I would call for help,
while in the saftey of the locked truck!
Don't know if a bear could climb onto a large truck,
and disengage the door lock,
but I wasn't taking any chances!
If you are that stupid to disturb a
"just awakened from a long winter's nap" bear,
then you dserve what you get!
Needless to say, Terry was not eaten, and we have a fun story.
So very blessed with LUCK!
millie the moose
We spotted her at the side of a river.
I took a few photos, then decided to video.
I'm afraid I am not very good at modifying technical stuff,
so you will have to turn your computer to watch!
You can tell when she sees Terry making his way down the hill,
and silly me tries to get him to be quiet!
So very blessed to see this beautiful young lady who was very patient with me.
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