Change is very hard for me.
Especially changing cable, phone, Internet, and other household things.
I hear horror stories and it freaks me out.
So, I end up paying way to much for things for too long because of that fear.
I think we have been with Comcast for at least ten years and probably longer.
I tried to get the comcast bundle, but they wouldn't let me keep my email address.
Oh my!
That was a week from hell for me!
I have had this address longer than I have had comcast!
It took me forever to change to sbcglobal from aol.
We had aol in Alabama when you could first get internet in your home.
My hubby is a techno geek, so we had the first internet in our bitty town!
Well, I got a flyer from ATT in the mail and their bundle will save me about $125
a month. I already have their phone and internet,
so I am calling them now to set up a time to switch my cable.
My knees are knocking.
Wish me luck and that all goes well with the takeover.
It's gonna be a stressful month or two, I can just tell.
So how come it's so easy for me to let God take over way more troublesome problems?
I know He can handle silly things like cable and He wants me to be happy.
Jumping in Jesus!
Give me peace, even about this silly stuff.
Blessed I am!
It's always an adventure! Life of an artist while raising and releasing daughters. Memories, current happenings, short stories. My mistakes and triumphs along the way.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Quick Right Turn
Well, after having a cuppa this morning
and reading a few short chapters of a memoir,
I totally changed my plans for this weekend,
from what I had stated in yesterday's blog.
Oh, I got tons of work done yesterday,
and when I finally looked up from the books and computer,
it was 5:30pm
Maybe it was that I HAD done some much,
that I feel I can divert a bit of energy in another direction.
First, what an absolutely beautiful morning it was!
70's and sunny with a little breeze!
After I dropped of Mema to school,
I went to South Bend Chocolate for coffee.
I also had and egg and cheese bagel.
I sat outside under an umbrella and read a bit of the
entertainment section of the Chicago Tribune.
Looks like some interesting movies coming out!
The bike riding delivery boy....titles escape me.....looks great,
and so does one called Robot and Frank.
I love sentimental movies and this one sounds like I'll need some tissues.
I hope it opens here in South Bend.
The Art Beat in SB is also this weekend.
V and I will wander around with a cuppa and take in the sights early in the morning.
But, my direction changer came while I was reading Sheepish by Catherine Friend.
"Two women, fifty sheep and enough wool to save the planet"
Her writing had me giggling and smiling and dreaming of a farm future for myself!
Yes, I am quirky and my hobbies are so very unlike anyone I know,
but I also know that I am perfect just the way I am,
and God has a plan for all my quirkiness!
"But because we produce wool, we now and then brush elbows
with spinners, knitters, weavers, people who are,
in my opinion, truly freakish and exotic. So when I say fiber "fans",
I confess that I really mean "freaks." ...
A fiber fan will spend hours and hours knitting a wool sock - a sock, people -
when there are machines out there able to manufacture
a perfectly fine pair of wool socks for under $20.
There's even a "Sock Summit" with the motto:
"Taking Sock Knitting Almost Too Far."
Forget Extreme Snowboarding, or Extreme Mountain Biking.
Recently, when the online registration for this Extreme Knitting event began,
40,000 people tried to register and crashed the system."
Yes, that sounds about right.
For those of you who do not have the freakish love for fiber,
you will never understand this.
For those of you who are freaks, you know exactly what this means.
It's like when I told my friends how I had made yogurt,
over a 12 hour period of time.
The look on their faces was priceless, as was their comment:
"You know you can go get yogurt from the store."
But they love me and understand I have different passions than they.
We believe, it's what makes us so close.
Understanding without judging, and accepting in love.
So as I was researching different sheep breeds, I discovered the Jacob.
A small sheep, that is spotted and can have 2, 4, even 6 horns.
Named for the sheep Jacob of the Bible asked his father in law for.

You remember, he asked for the imperfect spotted sheep out of the flock
for payment of his years of work,
and in a dream God told him to breed only the spotted rams.
He soon had all spotted sheep!
Lo and behold, I have a Jacob fleece!
So, now I am washing fleece...(and dishes)
and will be spinning and knitting a sample for my class!

Have a blessed week everyone!
Find joy in your walk every moment!
and reading a few short chapters of a memoir,
I totally changed my plans for this weekend,
from what I had stated in yesterday's blog.
Oh, I got tons of work done yesterday,
and when I finally looked up from the books and computer,
it was 5:30pm
Maybe it was that I HAD done some much,
that I feel I can divert a bit of energy in another direction.
First, what an absolutely beautiful morning it was!
70's and sunny with a little breeze!
After I dropped of Mema to school,
I went to South Bend Chocolate for coffee.
I also had and egg and cheese bagel.
I sat outside under an umbrella and read a bit of the
entertainment section of the Chicago Tribune.
Looks like some interesting movies coming out!
The bike riding delivery boy....titles escape me.....looks great,
and so does one called Robot and Frank.
I love sentimental movies and this one sounds like I'll need some tissues.
I hope it opens here in South Bend.
The Art Beat in SB is also this weekend.
V and I will wander around with a cuppa and take in the sights early in the morning.
But, my direction changer came while I was reading Sheepish by Catherine Friend.
"Two women, fifty sheep and enough wool to save the planet"
Her writing had me giggling and smiling and dreaming of a farm future for myself!
Yes, I am quirky and my hobbies are so very unlike anyone I know,
but I also know that I am perfect just the way I am,
and God has a plan for all my quirkiness!
"But because we produce wool, we now and then brush elbows
with spinners, knitters, weavers, people who are,
in my opinion, truly freakish and exotic. So when I say fiber "fans",
I confess that I really mean "freaks." ...
A fiber fan will spend hours and hours knitting a wool sock - a sock, people -
when there are machines out there able to manufacture
a perfectly fine pair of wool socks for under $20.
There's even a "Sock Summit" with the motto:
"Taking Sock Knitting Almost Too Far."
Forget Extreme Snowboarding, or Extreme Mountain Biking.
Recently, when the online registration for this Extreme Knitting event began,
40,000 people tried to register and crashed the system."
Yes, that sounds about right.
For those of you who do not have the freakish love for fiber,
you will never understand this.
For those of you who are freaks, you know exactly what this means.
It's like when I told my friends how I had made yogurt,
over a 12 hour period of time.
The look on their faces was priceless, as was their comment:
"You know you can go get yogurt from the store."
But they love me and understand I have different passions than they.
We believe, it's what makes us so close.
Understanding without judging, and accepting in love.
So as I was researching different sheep breeds, I discovered the Jacob.
A small sheep, that is spotted and can have 2, 4, even 6 horns.
Named for the sheep Jacob of the Bible asked his father in law for.

You remember, he asked for the imperfect spotted sheep out of the flock
for payment of his years of work,
and in a dream God told him to breed only the spotted rams.
He soon had all spotted sheep!
Lo and behold, I have a Jacob fleece!
So, now I am washing fleece...(and dishes)
and will be spinning and knitting a sample for my class!

Have a blessed week everyone!
Find joy in your walk every moment!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
This is definately why I did not finish my college education.
I am holed up in my house with piles of books,
computer and an assignment.
There are so many other things that I would like to be doing today!
Gardening, as it has been very neglected this year,
washing and spinning some wool for an assignment,
(I have ten sheep to "red up" before next year.)
Cleaning my house...again neglected for too long,
and I have a party a week from today,
so I could also be making a menu and grocery list for cooking.
I could go to the gym, but it really is too beautiful today.
(Any excuse will get me to pass on a day at the gym!)
I have been wanting to go to the Brookfield Zoo again, for a few years now.
I would love to stay in the gorilla area all day and take them in.
Chuck definatly needs some attention,
as I have been traveling or ill for the past few months.
But, no.
I have chosen today (this week/month)
to get all (most) of my research and paperwork done
for my level one master spinner course.
To Do List:
History of wool
10 different types of sheep
Sheep shearing
Types of wool preparation and processing
Labels for the yarn samples
Spinning wheel maintenance and proper spinning posture
Differences between woolen and worsted preparation
Glossery of Terms
Thank goodness I have the dyed part 80% completed.
So, if I seem grumpy or frazzled, it's because I HATE researching and writing papers!
Maybe I could get my english lit master to help me out...
other than just showing me how to set up my computer
for double spacing!
Thanks V!
Blessed to have the opportunity even if I'm not happy about it!
I am holed up in my house with piles of books,
computer and an assignment.
There are so many other things that I would like to be doing today!
Gardening, as it has been very neglected this year,
washing and spinning some wool for an assignment,
(I have ten sheep to "red up" before next year.)
Cleaning my house...again neglected for too long,
and I have a party a week from today,
so I could also be making a menu and grocery list for cooking.
I could go to the gym, but it really is too beautiful today.
(Any excuse will get me to pass on a day at the gym!)
I have been wanting to go to the Brookfield Zoo again, for a few years now.
I would love to stay in the gorilla area all day and take them in.
Chuck definatly needs some attention,
as I have been traveling or ill for the past few months.
But, no.
I have chosen today (this week/month)
to get all (most) of my research and paperwork done
for my level one master spinner course.
To Do List:
History of wool
10 different types of sheep
Sheep shearing
Types of wool preparation and processing
Labels for the yarn samples
Spinning wheel maintenance and proper spinning posture
Differences between woolen and worsted preparation
Glossery of Terms
Thank goodness I have the dyed part 80% completed.
So, if I seem grumpy or frazzled, it's because I HATE researching and writing papers!
Maybe I could get my english lit master to help me out...
other than just showing me how to set up my computer
for double spacing!
Thanks V!
Blessed to have the opportunity even if I'm not happy about it!
Friday, August 3, 2012
What a bright light!
I should be cleaning the house
that has been successfully avoided for two weeks...
(one, I was out of town,
one just didn't feel like it after being out of town!)
I should be sitting with my feet up
as they are swollen and hurting.
Probably because I not only mowed my lawn, but the neighbor's too.
It just didn't look right with their lawn as long as mine used to be.
It was ok when both of us hadn't mowed for two weeks :)
So, instead of doing these things,
I took some time out with the Lord.
I am still studying Max Lucado's
Experiencing the Love of Jesus.
Yesterday was about asking for forgiveness of my sins.
How important that is.
How God can only work in a field that is prepared.
But today,
today was on love!
Max, I call Mr. Lucado Max.
Seems I have known him for years!
Max, suggested a thing called the 7/47 principle.
It is based on Luke 7:47
"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven -
for she has loved much.
But he who has been forgiven little, loves little."
This got me to simple mind as it is.
Does that mean he has not sinned much?
He doesn't have anything to confess?
Therefore he will not love much?
As I pondered a bit more,
I began thinking of the middle school camp LSC participated in last week.
My youngest was a counselor there,
and I believe she received more than the kids did!
But, some of the children's stories broke her heart
and as she shared with me, broke mine too.
Some of these kids have lived terrible, lonely, hurtful, terrifying lives.
How are they supposed to know the love of God, when their own fathers
are not even in their lives?
When we experience great forgiveness and love ourselves,
we are able to love others all the more.
However, if we have yet to realize the weight of our own sins,
and do not feel loved or forgiven by anyone,
let alone God,
we will not be able to love others at all.
We can't give what we have never received.
I am angry at these situations.
How are these beautiful young people ever to know the joy and peace,
love and forgiveness, of such an awesome God,
if their little minds have never known love at all?
As I was stewing over this,
I continued to read.
These parents probably had hard lives themselves.
They never knew love, so how could they show love?
It first starts with letting God love us.
Then the light went on!
The key to forgiving others
is to quit focusing on what they did to me
(or their kids)
and start focusing on what God did for me!
But that's not fair! Someone has to pay!
Well, my friends, someone already did.
That's what hit me.
I know that I am forgiven!
I know that Christ died for me.
But God has also already forgiven those who have wronged those kids.
Jesus paid the price for their ugliness!
He paid!
God is fair!
Someone already paid.
So if they are forgiven, why am I angry at them?
My job now is to love on the kids and also love on the parents.
Like this whole Chick Filet fiasco.
What is with the big hoopla?
Someone has an opinion.
We all have opinions.
I don't expect you to agree with my opinion,
and most of the time I don't agree with yours,
but Grace instructs me to let you have a different opinion.
And love you anyway.
I am so embarrassed by all the so called Christians
who are hurting so many by their words and actions.
I apologize for those who are acting in the name of Jesus.
They are not acting for my Jesus or for me.
My Jesus loves and forgives and accepts everyone.
So as I ramble and ramble again,
I will shuffle off to get my nails done,
since Hil is back from camp.
How have I gotten so spoiled?!
I pray that all of you know true love
and then show love to everyone around you.
I am blessed!
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