and reading a few short chapters of a memoir,
I totally changed my plans for this weekend,
from what I had stated in yesterday's blog.
Oh, I got tons of work done yesterday,
and when I finally looked up from the books and computer,
it was 5:30pm
Maybe it was that I HAD done some much,
that I feel I can divert a bit of energy in another direction.
First, what an absolutely beautiful morning it was!
70's and sunny with a little breeze!
After I dropped of Mema to school,
I went to South Bend Chocolate for coffee.
I also had and egg and cheese bagel.
I sat outside under an umbrella and read a bit of the
entertainment section of the Chicago Tribune.
Looks like some interesting movies coming out!
The bike riding delivery boy....titles escape me.....looks great,
and so does one called Robot and Frank.
I love sentimental movies and this one sounds like I'll need some tissues.
I hope it opens here in South Bend.
The Art Beat in SB is also this weekend.
V and I will wander around with a cuppa and take in the sights early in the morning.
But, my direction changer came while I was reading Sheepish by Catherine Friend.
"Two women, fifty sheep and enough wool to save the planet"
Her writing had me giggling and smiling and dreaming of a farm future for myself!
Yes, I am quirky and my hobbies are so very unlike anyone I know,
but I also know that I am perfect just the way I am,
and God has a plan for all my quirkiness!
"But because we produce wool, we now and then brush elbows
with spinners, knitters, weavers, people who are,
in my opinion, truly freakish and exotic. So when I say fiber "fans",
I confess that I really mean "freaks." ...
A fiber fan will spend hours and hours knitting a wool sock - a sock, people -
when there are machines out there able to manufacture
a perfectly fine pair of wool socks for under $20.
There's even a "Sock Summit" with the motto:
"Taking Sock Knitting Almost Too Far."
Forget Extreme Snowboarding, or Extreme Mountain Biking.
Recently, when the online registration for this Extreme Knitting event began,
40,000 people tried to register and crashed the system."
Yes, that sounds about right.
For those of you who do not have the freakish love for fiber,
you will never understand this.
For those of you who are freaks, you know exactly what this means.
It's like when I told my friends how I had made yogurt,
over a 12 hour period of time.
The look on their faces was priceless, as was their comment:
"You know you can go get yogurt from the store."
But they love me and understand I have different passions than they.
We believe, it's what makes us so close.
Understanding without judging, and accepting in love.
So as I was researching different sheep breeds, I discovered the Jacob.
A small sheep, that is spotted and can have 2, 4, even 6 horns.
Named for the sheep Jacob of the Bible asked his father in law for.

You remember, he asked for the imperfect spotted sheep out of the flock
for payment of his years of work,
and in a dream God told him to breed only the spotted rams.
He soon had all spotted sheep!
Lo and behold, I have a Jacob fleece!
So, now I am washing fleece...(and dishes)
and will be spinning and knitting a sample for my class!

Have a blessed week everyone!
Find joy in your walk every moment!
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