For the past year, I have tried my best to not interfere, give my opinion or advice, roll my eyes, or make a scene.
All this because my daughters are dating.
Things are not how I would have them.
If it were up to me, "children" would casually date a number of young men before going "steady".
They would get to know, every detail, of the young men and their own ideals, values, hopes and dreams before becoming serious.
It seems I am old fashioned.
I cannot even count how many times I have opened my mouth with a comment or tried to ask a question and then have my head bitten off before the tears and yelling began.
I realized that I should take my grandmother's advice...and not say anything...EVER!
Let them come and talk at me, ask for advice, cry on my shoulder or hug me with excitement, but NEVER NEVER offer anything without being bribed to by one of the girls!
And NEVER EVER even look in the boy's direction in case he gets the wrong idea and thinks I am a horrible person and causes problems in the relationship.
I was thrown a loop tonight.
Veronica asked me to pick up a friend from the airport. He is moving here and staying with her until his place is ready.
Hilary was off and I asked if she wanted to pick him up. "Oh no! Ronni specifically asked you to get him because this will be your chance to grill him."
What do I do now?! All this self control for what? I called Terry and my best friend and asked their advice. The plane was late, so God and I had some more time.
From the airport to the apartment, I covered sports, cars, politics, religions, his intentions, my expectations, and that I really was a very nice lady, but could make his life miserable if Ronni is allowed to driver herself home after 11pm.
Not bad I thought.
Veronica called me when she got off of work and praised me. "That is just what I wanted you to do! I needed you to be Lorelei Gilmore and pull the boy into the kitchen and let him know that you had the whole town behind you when it comes to me."
I cannot tell you how relieved I am.
Now why couldn't I have been trusted with the other one's fella.......
I really am a nice lady!
Now, back to keeping my mouth shut~!
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