Sunday, December 20, 2009


I can't explain it!
I have felt like crying...or have been crying for two days now!
This is mostly a happy crying.
An I am overblessed kind of crying!
Is that possible? To be OVER blessed?
My life feels full. My cup over flowing...and flowing and flowing!
The family is healthy, and happy and safe.
We have our struggles, but nothing that keeps us down!

A dear friend is moving Texas of all places!
I am so glad that I know her!
But, I didn't know that I was so attached and that she is such a valuable part of my life!
I was given a gift to be a part of her last small group at church.
She has been in snippets of my life for about two years.
I know that I do not know her well, but she is one of those people
who you have an instant connection to!
I only had one other friend like her.
One of an ex boyfriend's best friend. He was always around, always there if you needed him, and I didn't realize how much he ment to me until I moved.
As I hugged him goodbye, I felt like Dorothy saying goodbye to the scarecrow.
I'll miss you most of all!
That's the feeling I have now.
But it is also a happy felling because I know that she and I will always be close and connected.
I will keep it that way!

My church family is amazing! I only wish you could experience the love that is shared between all of these messed up people! Honest. Unjudgmental. This is the place where Jesus would attend.
When I say "I am blessed" this is at the tippy top of the list!
I have NEVER felt more welcome and a part of anywhere in my life!

I feel that my talents and gifts are finally at their peak.
Both at church and at home.
I love sitting at my wheel, creating. Then knitting. Discovering new ways, new feels, new combinations! Just waiting on a direction God wants me to take so that I can bless others as much as I am blessed!

And finally, but right there at the top of the list! My friends.
I have never had a best friend of the likes of the one I have now.
We are nothing alike, but I can not ever imagine ever being without her!
I am blessed with great friends.
I can be me with all of them! That is hard for me. But not with them.

OK. Time for more Kleenex!

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