Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am learning Italian.
Before I take a class though,
I am studying from cds and books.
I like to know a bit before taking a class,
as languages were never my strong suit.
German I can spew off a few phrases
from middle and high school.
But I'm old now, and learning is difficult.

Mi familia is a bit upset with me.
I can greet and say good bye,
colors, numbers and a few phrases.
But when Hil is rushing out the door,
and I shout Arrivederci,
she rushes back in to see what I said.
I am starting to say the Italian, then English
as not to confuse or anger them.

I bought a "learning Italian in the car" set
with my first income from a baby cocoon I made,
and listened to it while cleaning the garage,
and driving to a from Saugatuck.
Admittedly, I missed a turn
while learning numbers and time.
I had to get back on the right road,
or wind up in Detroit.

So if I see you and it's morning,
I am saying good morning!
Evening, I am saying good evening.
If I am leaving I am saying good bye.

I am really very excited about this.
It's funny how similar to English and Spanish
this language is.
Nothing at all like German!

Saugatuck was beautiful,
although the leaves had not changes that much
to take my breath away.
I invested in some yummy teas and spices,
and started my Christmas shopping,
even though we are not giving gifts
to each other this year.

Terry is traveling to Vancouver
and wants me to come with him....half heartedly.
Lots of work to take me with him in the truck.
Cleaning, insurance, hotels and eating better.
We would leave tomorrow (Wednesday) morning
and I have stuff to do.
No assurances I would be back
any sooner than two weeks either.

I worry about Chuck being alone most of all.
He doesn't eat when I'm gone,
and I do spend an awful lot of time with him;
even if I am only at the house or in the yard.

Silly to be so concerned for a dog.
One day I'll take him on the road with us.
For now, the girls are too busy,
and I don't want to ask my folks,
as Chuck likes his own home.
There is a new truck next spring too.
That is usually the time for travel on the 18 wheeler!

I am loving the fall.
Settling into spinning and knitting
some really cute baby things.
It's been unusually warm here in Indiana.
I am ready for the cool crisp!

I wish my phone could text in Italian.
I'll figure out blessed soon enough.

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