Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Knitting Updates

With autumn sneaking around,
between hot, mosquito filled days,
icy cold frosty, rainy days,
sun filled, then cloud covered moments,
I am finding time to finish and start
a few knitting projects.
My initial longing was to spin and knit my dad
an icelandic cardigan I remembered from my youth.
It is the end of October,
and I am just spinning the icelandic.
There is NO way, I will spin and knit
quickly enough for a Christmas
or January birthday gift.
Winter is supposed to be long this year,
so I will plan on next Christmas, Daddy.

Instead, I finished a birthday gift for my BFF.
Yes, I had it knitted last year for her day,
but for some reason
I was terrified to sew it together.
It turned out beautiful,
if I do say so myself!
I'll give it to her Thursday.
The brown bottom edge was the very first thing I spun.
It is 100% alpaca.
A friend of mine spin the brown and white alpaca
from her herd.
Alpaca stretches and is VERY warm.
I'll try to get a pic of her wearing the sweater.
Happy Birthday K!

The second is the pair of socks
I have been working on for a bit.
I spun the Coopworth and enjoyed working with it.
When I came to the heel on this particular pair,
I hated how it turned out!
I ripped it back to the gusset...
which is difficult on size 1 needles.
I am hunting for another heel pattern now.
I don't believe,
in the tens of socks I have made,
that I have made two pairs using the same pattern.
SO many socks, so little time.
And most have been for my use!
I started knitting my grand baby a cardigan
I am using mostly my hand spun.
The hem and front seams are mixed wool,
the yellow stripe is marigold dyed mohair and silk,
the purple is a wool blend.
The fair isle pattern has some mohair,
angora and baby alpaca.
The white is store bought.
I didn't know what I was going to use,
as I didn't have enough of one yarn to knit a whole sweater.
So I just added as I went.
This is the first fair isle I have tried,
and was inspired by a book that comes out in November.
I may have time to get a mitten or two done
following these future patterns.

Happily enjoying completing.
Happily enjoying the changing leaves.
I am happily watching fuzzy catepillers.
Happily enjoying the nuthatches and titmice
gathering sunflower seeds and burying them.

I am happy and blessed.

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