Saturday, February 11, 2012


I finally turned up the heat to 71.
65 was just not getting it today with 10 small degrees outside.
And now it has begun to snow again.
Very pretty, light clumps of snow.
I like this kind.

Have been knitting on a few things and thought I'd share.
Here is a hat I mad for the granddaughter for her bday.
How time flies!
She loves horses!
Hil is modeling.

Notice Hil's laundry and my coupons in the background?  LOL

Here are the grandbabies in their snow suits I sent.
They look a bit warm as they are in southern Texas now.
Hopefully Colorado will be nice and chilly for them!

My daddy turned 73 at the end of January.
Not the best of pics, as he is usually smiling very cheesy at the camera.
Guess he was concentrating on his birthday gifts.
Love that man so much!

I finally got my spinning wheel out,
spinning some really yummy core spun;
 Chuck gathered all his toys at my feet,
before realizing I was not going to play.
Then he lay down for a bit.
Hil was in charge of games for a baby shower.
Can you guess which candy bar is melted in this diaper?
Beau in his khaki hat I knit him for Christmas

Brittany in her mom's hat.
Mistaken identity I suppose.
I have been following the Daniel diet
which basically is fruit veggies, water and grains.
No sugar, coffee, dairy, meats etc.
After the first three days, my headache went away.
I cheated a bit for Super Bowl, but not much.
Since then I have had a few coffees, and a bit o sugar.
If anything, I have come to realize how good my body feels
without all the crap!
Joining anytime fitness when I get home from vacation.
Just can't get the cardio I need walking Chuck in the snow.
Looking forward to some changes!

Here is a pair of knee highs I have been working on for Hil.
The next photos show different ways to wear them...
high boot, or cuffed way down!
They are really really warm.
here is the cable on the back center.

And finally a bearded hat I made for Bernard!
Now Daddy wants one in white!
One of the girly girls is getting married,
and we are planning a shower for her
when I get home from vacation!
Really excited about this,
as she has left the door open to all gifts!
Who knows what these church ladies will come up with!

So, I will continue working on  her gift,
packing for Colorado and chasing black birds from my feeders!

I am blessed!

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