choices....both easy and difficult.
but many, especially the most hard, are.

I have decided that I need a lifestyle change.
I eat better, not much sugar,
exercise regularly and sweat alot,
and even changed my make up....
too many tiny lines creeping up,
and eyelids moving down.
Although I have known about these changes for years,
I have finally reached the point where I cannot put them off any longer.

There are some situations, however, that are like being on the Titanic.
If you don't make a decision one way or another,
you will sink, while enjoying the violins playing on deck.

Or you will find that one life boat, get in,
and make sure no one else pushes you into the freezing water.
Sometimes we go along in our lives,
happy and content.
Happy and content never last.
You can have peace and joy in the midst of terrible tragedy.
But status quo should never be an option.
Mainly because the longer we live in the quo,
the more heart wrenching it will be when life falls out from below you.
My advice is to take the bull by the horns and look seriously at your life.
Your daily activities.
Who do you surround yourself with?
Your quiet time, and your play time.
Is God in there somewhere?
Do you find yourself slipping back into old habits because, you just occasionally slip?
We all do that.
But, when we find ourselves constantly making excuses for ourselves or others,
taking two steps forward, two steps back...or even three steps back...
living in a fantasy land of rose colored glasses,
gingerbread houses and friendly wildlife,
we find the next thing to happen is that our world shatters around us.
We all need to make the hard choices.
Eat better and exercise or it may be too late next time.
Pray about friends and lovers who may not really be the best for us.
Love is very powerful and makes us do silly, stupid things.
Sometimes we get lucky, but not often.

In my own life, looking back many years,
it may have been better for my family if hubby and I did indeed divorce.
Lots of strife and screwed up lives because of our silliness.
However, we did not.
God has blessed our commitment to each other and to Him.
A lot of hard work, relearning how to communicate, struggles, tears and joys
are rolled up in the past 27 years.
I am sure there are a few more struggles on the horizon too.
We can talk to each other now.
We do listen to each other now.
Most times we put each other first and have each one's back in good and bad times.
God guides us now instead of us running to Him after the fact.
That makes all the difference.
SO....really look at your life.
Keep the beneficial and lovely.
Throw out the nicely as possible.
Don't let the boat sink around you when you had the opportunity to bail!
Hang on to your dreams.
They will all change, but a few will overpass your expectations.
Moments are only that, even if they seem to last forever.
Be brave and tell your friend you care, and that they are moving in a bad direction.
Better to have an angry ex friend who thinks about what you said in love,
than no friend at all, and so many regrets for keeping your mouth shut.
Tell loved ones you do love them.
I am blessed because I am changing!
Only by the grace of God!