Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

This time of year is a very difficult time of year for this "artist".
I have been making most of my Christmas presents for the better part of two decades. Many still have the first learned dishclothes. These truely are a treasure! You will always find one partially completed either by the couch, in my purse or in the car.

And now, all the new idea books are out and tempting me into indecision.
My mind whirling with the possibilities.
New patterns, new colors, new textures.

The only problem with these options is that I only have a few short weeks to start and finish anything.

After discovering that I truly enjoy making socks, and spinning yarn, these became the gifts of the year. I have a few more fibery things I want to try, but as I said earlier, time is an issue.

Thankfully my family appreciates my time and energy, and at time, partially completed projects to be given in the New Year.

I should know by now, that the time to start gifts is not October, it is February!

My only positive is that I have given up the majority of my "crafts" and have focused on three specialities. They happen to be the time consuming ones.
So, if you are part of my circle, be prepared to see me knitting furiously while in your company. This includes, dinners, meetings, and all other social engagements.
And yes! I am listening and actively taking part in our gatherings. I can focus on many things at once, so don't be distracted or discouraged. Quiz me if you want, unless I am counting~! Never interrupt me while I am counting!

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