Wednesday, November 11, 2009

spinning from the lock

I had a very quiet, nice evening last night.
After a very nice lunch with a new friend, I did my dishes...I hate doing dishes!

I was trying to keep my foot up so I could try on shoes with Hilary.
My plan was to card and spin some wool for her socks.
I carded 3 rolls of electric yellow/green Romney.
When I dyed it, it came out so crisp and variegated depending on which part of the lock took up which part of the dye.
The tips were almost an orange, the center was lime green and the bottom was a cool green/silver color.
After carding, it was just a big fuzzy of electric green.
What happened to all the variation?!

I had been hearing about spinning from the lock so I thought I would give it a try.
The fleece naturally comes off of the sheep in sections, which is called a lock.
You are supposed to spin from the tip to the cut section.
Since I had washed and dyed the fleece, it was a bit matted,at least a bit much to spin from without carding.
I spent a few minutes separating a few locks then spun them to see how it would work. WOW!
The rest of the evening, until I could not hold my eyes open any longer, was spent fluffing up the locks.
I hope to get time to spin it today.

Hil is coming over today for coffee cake and then shoe shopping. Leaders' meeting at church tonight and then knitting lessons tomorrow.
I have a good life. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, great kids and fantastic friends. God is good.

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