Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Ventures

For my birthday, my family bought me attachments for my Kromski Sonata spinning wheel.
A jumbo fly wheel with jumbo bobbins and a lazy kate. The fly wheel and bobbins allow me to make bulky, arty yarn. The lazy kate is a contraption so I can ply together balanced yarns. Plying is when you spin two or more strands together.

So...I have been experimenting. I have been watching a dvd from an art yarn spinner named Jacyee Boggs. What a talented young woman. Some day I will take one of her classes, because I am sure I am spinning this all wrong. I am having fun tho!
I have been spinning thick and thin yarn, then with lace weight thread, plying it and making cute little puffs into the yarn! I have two bobbins to play with!

I also made a felted wallet last night with the hand prepared fiber yahoo group. What a neat bunch of ladies! And the wallet turned out fantastic!
Took a thick piece of foam and lay carded batting on it, then poked it for what seemed like hours until is was a really neat piece of felt. I then felted up the sides of the pocket and cute little wallet! Need to do a buttonhole and sew on a button, but I really enjoyed this. Need some new tools if I plan on continuing!

Allergies have been awful and I think I have mold in the wall next to the garage which is causing my asthma to act up. Testing it now. Vacuumed 5 times to get rid of...everything! Lots of Arm N Hammer pet smell powder! Will steam clean this weekend and hopefully be able to put wood floors and an area rug down this spring. One box at a time I think. I also need to finish the rest of the projects in the house.
I seem to have had a worse time this year with breathing, so I have had no energy for much.

Have a wonderful fall day!

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