I took a little trip this Valentines Day.
I have had a clinging cold
and the winter is draggin on.
My honey sent me lovely flowers and a teddy bear.
Sweet fella I have been married to for over 25 years now!
And he seems to be getting better every year
at noticing things that please me!
Hint to young marrieds...hang in there.
It all pays off through the hard times!
Anyway....I decided to take a trip to Saugatuck Mi.
I love that little artsy town.
The first time we went...Mom, the girls and I,
it was probably over 10 years ago.
Everything was bright and fun and it was early summer.
We were eating lunch and looking out the window.
The girls were noticing a couple of very nice looking men
Until they saw that they were holding hands!
That was the girls' first sighting of a different lifestyle
than their little southern baptist upbringing had afforded them.
I still giggle at their wide eyes!
We saw men holding hands everywhere we looked!
Now, in the middle of winter, not many stores are opened.
One of my favorites...the spice and tea store...was closed.
However, my favorite artist, James Brandess, was opened.
I love his oil paintings!
They are so thick with oil that they jump right out at you.
Most of the paintings are still wet when hung on the walls.
It sometimes takes years for them to dry, he uses so much paint.
The smell when you walk in to the old post office reminds me
of my home when I was a young girl.
My mother used to oil paint.
There is no other smell like oil paints.
Creative, earthy, exciting!
How I wish I could paint with oils.
That is just not one area I am talented in.
And I really don't need another hobby!
I have never been able to afford one of Brandess' paintings.
I probably never will be able to.
Today though, I found that he had some prints on sale!
I searched through every print.
Looking carefully what one insired me.
It was a tough decision.
Brandess paints alot of Saugatuck, beaches, water, flowers and portraits.
It is fun going to the studio in the summer.
His big old retriever is wandering around.
He is usually painting flowers in a vase,
or he has an old green sofa that he seats you on
when painting your portrait.
I could stand there for hours!
You can even stand from the street
and look through the picture window into the studio
and watch him paint.
His helpers are a scraggly kind of bunch.
I am glad that he takes the time and helps these seemly looking fellas.
They mat and frame his paintings/prints for you.
Serve you with a smile.
Brandess even teaches classes for the local college.
Can you tell I am a fan?
It was a pleasant day.
After a long drive, I ended up being really tired when I got home.
One day I will get a bed and breakfast in the area and take in the sights
without the long drive to dread the same day.
It was a lovely way to spend the day.
I am blessed.
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