Feeling very productive today!
Delivered some taco soup and fixins to a friend.
By far the bestest soup I know of!
One baby born today and another born this week.
Meals to them next week.
Have been spinning and carding like crazy!
Fluffy batts all over the family room!
Have been having so much fun playing with all of it!
Avocado dyed, grape dyed, walnut dyed,
natural waiting for dye!
Love love love my drum carder too!
I can't imagine how my wrists would have held out.
I am hand carding some icelandic in the grease.
Icelandic felts very easily,
and then it is not able to be spun into yarn...
just big fur balls.
I have to use the hand carders for this
because I don't want to grease up my drum carder.
I really am impressed at how my Kromski spinning wheel
has hung in there with me for over three years...
and still going strong.
I may not be able to walk on the treadmill,
but my feet and legs sure get a workout on the spinning wheel!
I am thinking of getting a drink holder attachment for it!
Yes, they make those!

Think I'll felt some snowmen tomorrow!
And, it is window washing time too!
Should do that while the sun is shining,
as I hear there is more snow on the way!
I am blessed!
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