I am hoping it is a respit for the hot weather coming.
I think I threw my knee out yesterday,
so no yard work for me today.
My first poppy bloomed!
The Japanese Iris are blooming as well.
A bit of sun will bring them all
out of hibernation this weekend!
It feels like a spinning kind of day to me.
I have been aching to get my wheel out again,
after the hard winter of spinning for a show.
I am taking a class with Jacey Boggs on spinning Art Yarn
the last week in June.
I cannot even express how excited I am.
I will also learn about natural dyes and spinning for socks.

For today, I'll knit and maybe spin a bit.
A dear friend is getting married and I am going to the reception.
Looks like shopping for a new outfit.
Worst part of the day.
I hate to shop!
Enjoy your holiday.
We plan on sunning and mowing and BBQing.
Will be a relaxing quiet weekend.
I am looking forward to spending some of it with V.
I am blessed
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