I was very wound up yesterday.
I was actually humming Jerry Lewis' typewriter song.
I was thrilled
when I finally figured out
what song was running through my head!
The power had gone out because of a storm on Monday.
Most of the neighbors lost their power during the storm.
My side of Woodcliff lost it Tuesday morning at 3am.
AEP promised it would be on again by 11:59pm Thursday.
Wednesday morning, I got up and NEEDED a breve.
I couldn't make coffee....but if I could have,
I don't think I would have.
Yes, I have an addiction.
I am allowing myself only two trips to coffee land,
and stashing $20 a week for an espresso machine.
Should have one by my birthday in October~!
Anyway, I was just going to drive through Starbucks,
so I put on flip flops.
I DON'T wear flip flops.
With my charcot feet, I can't feel my feet or the flops.
There must be a grippy toe thing that I can no longer perform
to be able to wear flip flops without walking out of them.
Worst part is that I can't feel
that I am no longer am wearing them.
Thus the drive through.
I got my coffee then called V to see if she wanted Panera.
Then called Hil to invite her too.
We had a wonderful time.
At least I did...chattering away!
Took V to have a wax at the spa,
and got a call from Mom,
saying she and dad needed a ride home from the doctor's.
Dad's pulse was 40 and he was dizzy.
Doc didn't want him driving.
V and I picked them up,
drove them home,
she in my van with them,
and me in Papa's tiny Suzuki!
Met Hil at home and discovered the power was back on!
I took V back to her apartment.
I cleaned out my fridge,
meltedy Popsicles, milk, eggs and lunchmeat.
I had planned to pick some Queen Ann's lace
but decided to check the garden first.
I weeded a bit, picked a pepper, wandered about in my yard.
I forgot to mention that I had kicked off
the silly flip flops when I returned home.
As I went to the side of the house
and turned the water on for the vegetables,
I turned to go back inside, and felt three crunches.
I knew I had stepped on the rebar
that has been stuck in the ground
since I have lived here and before!
I checked under the hosta, and sure enough.
I looked and I had a puncture in the center of my foot.
I hobbled inside to the tub, washed it off
and Hil told me I was going to the doctors.
My podiatrist was out of town, so was the family doc.
Off to South Bend Clinic Emergicenter.
They put me in a HUGE wheelchair,
that both Hil and I could have fit in to.
They told us that too many regular wheelchairs
had gone missing, so they used these instead.
I felt very small.
I filled out paperwork and was wheeled into the room.
The nurse was so funny!
The doc wanted me to soak my foot first,
but the only thing they had to hold water in,
was a small bowl.
You must understand that my toes on the right foot do not bend.
And, I am a good size 10 1/2 to put it nicely!

Water was dripping everywhere.
Hil and I were laughing so hard,
and the drip drip drip coming from the tea cup
onto the floor sounded like I was peeing.
Hil refilled the bowl three times.
She kept posting on Facebook.
Terry kept calling...
she took photos that were very bad...
remember we diden't have any power,
so the photos were very unflattering
with my hair going every which way!
The doc came in and looked, said I would need some stitches.
Asked, since I could not feel my feet,
if I wanted anesthesia?
I said I was fine,
but I would let her know if I needed it during the process.
I know! I know!
Most of you are freaking out!
But really!
I can not feel my feet!
If I could have,
I probably would have been screaming way before now.
I got my three stitches,
with Hil watching, the doc and nurse telling stories
about their residencies and all the foibles there in....
lock jaw from no tetanus shot,
a doc re sterilizing gloves to save money,
they found gloves that were made in 2003 in my room,
that we switched out for ones from 2008,
because they were mottled in color.
We just kept laughing!
No pain.
I got my tetanus shot, and an orange band aide for my arm,

blue stretchy tape for my foot
and a dinosaur sticker because I was so good.

The nurse said I was so joyful.
Most folks would have been very irritated at the whole thing.
Guess that's why I can't feel be joyful!
Now I have to concentrate on NOT doing anything!
I must sit and knit.
However, it is really hard, because I am not in any pain.
Poor Chuck can't go for his twice a day walks now.
I will get some really cute baby things knit though!
I am blessed!