Friday, July 8, 2011

lemonade stand

How many of you had lemonade,
or Kool ade stands in the summer time
when you were a little kid?

I remember anxiously waiting for school to be out,
the weather to be warm enough,
and my mom's permission to set up the stand
in the front yard.
We lived on a pretty busy neighborhood street.
I remember making and tasting the beverage of the day
to make sure it was good enough to sell.
Debating with my sister
over the price we should offer to customers for our creations.
Gathering dixie cups and pitchers
and ice in a five gallon bucket.
We had a folding table, chairs,
and an sign we were ever so proud of.
As we got older, the sign got fancier.

I remember waiting for the first customer to come.
The conversations between little kids
when there were no customers....
Amy Mascaro, Ellen Shelley, and the Hayden kids
were all part of the business.
We would play hop scotch or car tag while waiting.

I stopped at an iced tea stand today on Crestwood.
Three little boys, all under age 10.
There was no traffic, so I parked in front of them,
facing the wrong way on the street.
They were selling a Styrofoam cup of tea for $.50
I gave the buzzed headed little blonde a dollar
and told him to keep the change!
The grin on his face was worth the dollar,
as the tea certainly wasn't!

Next time you see these little entrepreneurs,
stop and buy a glass or two.
And remember your childhood dreams of riches when you do!

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