For the past week,
I have been trying to stay off of my foot
so it will heal from
the puncture and three stitches.
This is difficult to do,
as I do not have any feeling in my feet,
so I don't hurt.
Most people would feel pain,
and want to stay off the injured member.
Terry was home this weekend
and removed the rebar from the garden,
so I, or others, will never step on them again.
My hearo!

Hilary has been my nurse Ratchett
and will not let me do anything.
She actually yells at me and gives me guilt
for looking at my garden.

I had a shoe on my foot for heaven's sake.
I am so very thankful for this young woman in my life.

She has had some tough days,
and some folks pulling the rug out from under her,
but she is strong, and has God on her side.
"They" are selfish and surface, and will get what justice
the Lord doles out.
My baby is a fighter and a winner!
Chuck has had an upset tummy for a week,
so I'm taking him to the vet today.
It always scares me when he acts like this,
because this is how his very expensive illness started
when he was a puppy.
Don't know what I'd do without this lil fella.

Been knitting continuously now for days
on a baby shower gift that is due this weekend.
Present for the mom to be, as the cutest little items for baby,
work up quickly.
I cannot tell you how cute! But I'll show you!

Since baby is due in October,
I'll have time to knit up some snuggles a bit later.
Knitting K4, P2 for the entire project is HORRIBLY BORING!
Can hardly wait to read Janet Evanovich Smokin Seventeen.
I bought it while waiting on Hil,
and zooming around Target in a wheelie cart.

So much fun,
if only it didn't have the beep beep when backing up!
I even raced with Mema B. from church,
but she had a handicapped parking space!
Reaching for things is difficult on these babies!
Maybe I should invent a lift for the seat,
like on a firetruck.
I think it would sell and I would be a millionaire!
You never realize how difficult things are for others,
until you are on their wheels.
Joe came over yesterday and was playing on the puter.
I was laughing so hard at the things he was looking at.
Not only the actual sites,
but that he could spend that much time looking for that stuff.
Here is a sample:
I must admit, that if this interestes you,
there is a little dog climbing stairs video I couldn't find,
that had me breathless with laughter
Missing Mema a bit this week.
My cousin was there last week and they went to Disney three times.
She is bored now, and is ready to come home.
Poor little thing.
It seemed that we all were missing her too.
She got four phone calls from family members.
Think we need to stretch out our calls so she has one every day
instead of all at once.
Blathering today, I guess.....
Too hot to do anything else.
Stay cool folks.
1 comment:
Dumb blogger wouldn't let me change misspellings.
Hero..not HEARO
interests...not INTERESTES
and any others you may fing...please ignore!
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