Saturday, July 9, 2011


My sister, V, and I, all have a notebook fetish.
It really hurts us when Walmart has these spiral beauties
on sale at the beginning of the school year,
for ten or twelve for a dollar.

I have a medium sized tub in the attic
filled with partially full notebooks,
and the above notebooks in my spare room,
with one or five pages written on.
I like to grab one when heading to Barnes and Nobles
or am studying something of interest.

A few years ago, I came upon the tub of notebooks.
I spent a few minutes going through them.

First question: Why am I keeping all of these notebooks?

As I went through some pages,
I discovered many different kinds of notes.

I had copied recipes:
for holidays, diets, desserts, and mmmm...
this sounds really good.
I honestly can say that I have made some,
if not most of these recipes one time or another.

I discovered knitting patterns I had copied.
My hubby laughs and says it looks like a foreign language
when he tries to read them.
Full of co122, K2, P1, yo, ssk, bo5...etc.
Foreign to him maybe, but not to a knitter!

I had copied quilt ideas and patterns,
complete with sketchy templates.
Garden and landscaping ideas were on a few pages.
Lists of plants for shade and sun, and containers.

I found inspirational quotes, Bible study and book group ideas,
I even ran across knock knock jokes to send
not only to my kids when they went to camp,
but to youth members from different churches
as inserts into their camp mail.

Stamping and greeting card ideas have been drawn.
So many other items I found interesting,
it's really hard to list them all.

I suppose I am hoping when I die,
my girls will go lovingly go through these finds,
to discover something they had forgotten about their mom.
Although they will probably will end up in the trash,
At least, hopefully knowing that their mom's thoughts
had a place for a short time.
Until I moved onto other interests.
I believe they will smile at a glance of a stray page or two.

I will continue buying notebooks though,
as I have many other interests and curiosities.
I enjoy having access to one when I leave the house.

Someday, I may throw out a few notebooks
for much needed storage space.
Until then, rest peacefully thoughts, knowing you are safe.

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