I have been quite busy and absent the past few weeks.
My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
September 2, 2011.
We had a party for them last night.
Fifty guests of family and friends
spent four hours in my back yard!
We had a dj...Adam, a friend of Hilary and Joe's,
who did a smash up job of music, traveling microphones,
Mom and Dad's song, Mac the Knife,
and he helped with whatever I needed him for.
Even stayed around the fire pit into the wee hours this morning.
There was LOTS of food....let me know if you are in need of
veggies, hummus, fruit salad, sangria, or beer.
I was counting on my folks' friends to be drinking,
but apparently when you get older and are taking multiple meds,
alcohol doesn't play into the plans....
The weather forecast changed many times over the past week,
and we were blessed with absolutely no
scattered thunderstorms, as were predicted!
The mosquitoes came out with a vengeance as the last guest left.
Clean up and furniture was quickly taken care of
by my sister and her family...
which I am very grateful for, as my feet and back gave out
about this time!
My folks danced and had a blast!
Hilary was hit upon by all of the older gentlemen,
who wished they were forty years younger, and said so!
I saw friends and family I have not seen in years!
V took the most awesome photos, of which I will post later.
She also made the sangria and I think drank most of it.
I haven't seen her have so much fun in a long time!
Terry made a surprise appearance!
He has a load going to Washington DC,
and Mom had no idea who I was leading to her
when he arrived.
She looked back and forth from me to him three times
before she realized who it was!
Mema was the hit of the party.
She yodeled, danced with Daddy and Mo,
waved to all,
every time she came back to the yard after a bathroom break,
and enjoyed all the boys a little too much.
It may have been the sangria, but I could tell
she was the bell of the ball!
Every time I get together with these folks,
which is not often enough,
I find myself motivated to plan more dinners, card games,
parties, or just coffees.
Why don't I do it?
Maybe I'll start.
Feeling very blessed at 3am!
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