Due to the seasonably cool weather,
I have gotten the spinning bug again!
Also looking through old Spin Off magazines
has inspired me to challenge myself.

Going to drum card some colors into stripes
and spin for socks.
I LOVE knitting socks!
Not only are they a dream to wear..
even though I have no feeling in my feet,
temperature either,
but the thought of toasty wool socks sounds yummy.
They are quick to knit and I believe I have found a perfect
heel pattern. I knit two at a time from the toe up.

I have some red, yellow and blues along with some natural oatmeal
that I will blend together and self stripe!
Going to get the carder out tonight.

Life is grand now.
Friends are plenty,
oh so proud of Hil and all her achievements,
V and I seem to be as good as we have ever been....
just no funny as heck, but inappropriate,
you left that door wide open, remarks!
Hubby is doing really well on the east coast.
Delivered some granite to the Washington Monument Sept 14.
If he could only remember not to use
the wireless when NOT in a 4G area!
Mema is back home and our Thursday outing to the mall
to watch little children playing resumes day after tomorrow!
Now, can anyone tell me where to find someone to dispose of,
a twice the size of Charlie, raccoon and a possum.
Scared the crap out of all three of us last night!
My throwing a flashlight at the coon did nothing
but allow Chuck to come back into the house.
Evening walks for a bit.

I am blessed!
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