Friday, January 20, 2012

One of the Lucky Ones

I am blessed.
I am also, one of the lucky ones.
I was raised in a Christ following home.
My home church was a spiritual Catholic one,
with friends and leaders who were very supportive.
Most of my school friends, if  they were not Christians,
were not hostile or dismissive.

After some hiccups with the Catholic church,
my husband and I did not attend church
until after we had children.
In my generation, that was just how you raised well rounded kids.

It was not until my middle thirties
that my silver spoon like life began to be challenging.
With every challenge, I had to choose who to lean on.
Most of the time it was myself.
All of this time, I was a member of a church,
and very active in it.
I believe it was these times that were used to strengthen me
and I continue to be strengthened every day.

I used to hear that you should be careful what you pray for,
for you shall surely get the experiences to receive your answer.

I still turn to my own devices, more than I should
when trouble comes a knock'in,
but I also notice myself leaning on His plans more quickly too.
And the faster I do this,
the more quickly my hardships seem to be resolved.

I was reading this morning,
which led to these introspective thoughts.

George Matheson writes:
"My soul, reject not the  place of thy prostration!
It has ever been the robing room of royalty.
Ask the great ones of the past
what has been the spot of their prosperity; they will say,
"It was the cold ground on which I once was laying."
Ask Moses; he will date his fortune from his danger in the Nile.
Ask Ruth; she will bid you build her a monument on the field of her toil.
Ask David; he will tell you that his songs came from the night.
Ask Peter; he will extol his submission in the sea.
Ask Paul; he will attribute his inspiration to the light that struck him blind.
Ask one more - the Son of Man.
Ask Him whence has come His rule over the world.
He will answer,
"From the cold ground on which I was lying - the Gethsemane ground;
I received my sceptre there.""

I know many and a few well, who have yet to have their hearts challenged
to serve the Almighty Lord.
I am grieved to know that some of them may experience
such hard times as those mentioned above.
However, I am also relieved that all things are directed
by the One who wants to bless them beyond their wildest dreams.

I am blessed to be one of the lucky ones.

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