Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 1 olds college

Today is the first day of my education/vacation.

After church this morning, I loaded the van
with way too much stuff.
Seriously, you would think I was moving away forever.

A weeks worth of clothes,
with some spare undies,

all my spinning supplies:
wheel, bobbins, lazy kate, niddy noddy,
hook. scissors, flick brush, hand carders,
dye pots, dust mask, stir sticks, marking tags and masking tape,
notebooks, onion skins..and more I am sure I have forgotten here,
but did not forget to pack.

Gym clothes, bathing suit, books to read, Bible study and
of course knitting....two projects!

I have unpacked my suitcases, loaded up the dresser,
hung the clothes, unloaded all the bath supplies,
eaten dinner of a  reuban sandwich and onion rings.
(greasy and unhealthy and definitely not on my diet!)
I have showered and sent out Care ministry messages.

I'm tired from the drive of 3 hours. 
I am in Howell Michigan, an hour outside of Detroit.
Classes are from 9-4 starting tomorrow and ending Friday.
It's 8:30 and I am calling it a night.

So the adventure begins!
The antibiotics have finally kicked in
and I am hoping the sinus infection will not rear it's ugly head again!

I am truly blessed!
Thanks honey for this wonderful opportunity and all your support!

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