Thursday, July 5, 2012

five of eight, and summer fiber

For the past five weeks
I have been on a very strict diet.
No fruits, milk, breads, pastas, carbs.
The diet is called the Diabetic Miracle.
It actually was the first book Terry bought me for the Nook.
Nook on computer........still a die hard paper book fan.
This diet is supposed to restart my pancreas, and calm my liver.

I am so sick of meat and veggies
I have NO taste or appetite for them at all!
the goal of this diet is to cut back/get off of my Type 2 diabetic meds
and to lose weight.
Both goals are being met!!!!
Because my sugars were consistently in the low 80's
and one day 64
(Normal is between 90/120)
my doc cut out one of the evening pills!
And I have lost ten pounds.....
all of it in the first three weeks.
I have started going to a trainer at the gym once a week
and continuing and stepping up my workouts throughout the week.

I feel better and stronger.
I can do these last three weeks!
After the initial 8 weeks, I can have carbs, bruits, milks etc again,
but only so many.
SOOOOOO looking forward to that!

It has been so bloody hot here the past few weeks,
that Chuck and I have only walked in the late evening if at all.
I am really missing my walks.
I have been getting alot of spinning done tho.
                                                                 Some core spun,
Some multi color plied,

and some really soft silky blends I bought at the fiber festival.
I am going to ply this with the indigo I dyed earlier this summer.

I have been knitting with my online group a Knit A Long scarf.
I haven't done much lace, but this is pretty,
and easy to work on at night.

I bought an angora sweater at Goodwill this winter,
ripped it apart, and am now using it for this scarf!
I may or may not dye it after it is done.
A twenty row repeat is a pain in the neck tho.....
Lace patterns take a lot of concentration to follow.
No watching tv or playing with chuck in between,
and I'm not very good at marking which rows I have completed.
I am supposed to be working until the scarf measures 60".
I will be working on this all summer.

Yes, I know you are keeping track....
only 16 more days until I spend the week learning to be a master spinner!!!
And this will also be the week I can break the diet, and go to phase two!
What a way to celebrate!
Stay cool!

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