Since Maggie passed away...how does one say that about a loved one?...
Charlie has been clingy and skitterish!
When on walks, he gets frightened easily..by bushes!
He is always in the same room with me,
and always VERY excited when I come home.
He is learning many tricks!
One he has NOT mastered is come...when there is something more interesting to see.
We have a doggie door, so I don't have to worry about getting up too early!
I love to sleep!
One evening, I was knitting and Charlie had gone into the back yard.
I heard his "bark". The one where he is nervous about something.
I went outside and he was beside the porch nervously barking.
For some reason, when I went outside, he turned brave.
He bolted across the yard to the bird feeder and barked rapidly at something.
I got a flashlight ans discovered it was a raccoon!
Charlie would not come to me!
That's all I need. No dogs!
I finally got him inside, grabbed my bb gun and flashlight and went outside.
Anyone who saw me, seriously would have considered that I had been a SWAT member, by the way I held my gun and flashlight together, searching the yard!
No luck, other that scaring the fence.
Coon was gone.
Charlie and I saw/attacked the raccoon again last night,
and this morning I called the exterminator.
He set traps skillfully and also informed me
that I have a Possum problem.
I also have a nervous nilly dog.
He barely goes outside, and pees on the back door!
Oh My!!!
As of one hour later...count..Kris 1 squirrel, 0 raccoons!
1 comment:
I am sure that you will catch them tonight....remember both Raccoons and Opossums are nocturnal! Good luck....maybe the score card will read better in the morning!
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