I know a few people who sit at Barnes and Nobles
Bookstore to
simply watch people.
I love to participate in this activity.
I enjoy listening to others' conversations.
If they didn't want to be overheard,
they should not be discussing these things at the bookstore.
Most of my time recently at B & N
has been looking at knitting and spinning books and magazines.
I find the bookstore full of so many possibilities, and my mind can run wild.
I used to look for homeschooling, quilting, gardening,
travel, diets and cookbooks, decorating etc.
I look forward to many other interests in the future!
As I was leaving the bookstore, I walked through the mall.
I noticed all kinds of different people there.
I passed the children's play area I watched
mom's texting on their phones while
their children played with other children.
I wanted to jump in and protect these little bits
from diving onto hard plastic playthings and in turn,
stop them from losing teeth or requiring stitches.
Why don't parents watch their children?
I passed bored employees trying to pass time
when no one was shopping their booths.
I especially wonder about the girl
who will pull all kinds of hair from your body
with two pieces of string!
I watched a woman try to read a magazine around a teeth whitening machine!
I saw many people in the food court.
One was cutting up noodles with a passion.
Some were trying to make their 15 minutes last as long as they could.
Some ate while their toddlers wandered about.
Most had distant looks on their faces.
The last lady I saw was entering into the mall.
She looked tired and as if she didn't really know where she was.
Her hair was unkempt, and one lace was untied on her boot.
I thought about offering to tie it,
but better judgement and her eyes made me keep walking.
Sometime people want their laces untied.
I think I would enjoy taking a note and sketch book with me one day or a few.
Observe, and capture all I see.
Most of these people seem empty.
Do they know the Lord?
He makes everything so much better...even in the tough times..
we just have to keep looking for Him
in spite of the whole world bringing you down.
Sometimes that is hard to do!
1 comment:
you tell me all the time how good of a writer I am...I think I know where I get it...very well-written post, I could see this being discussed and analyzed in one of mmy classes!
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