It is time to take down my Valentine flowers.
I have so enjoyed them!
Terry has learned after twenty five plus years
that flowers are my joy.
He sends them to mo on special days and holidays!
When we were dating I told him I did not want jewelry or expensive presents.
I wold love a handful of wild flowers.
One time he came home with hand picked flowers.
They were amazing!
After a while, when we had a bit of discretionary income...HA HA
I would go to the florist once every other week
and buy a bouquet of flowers for the table.
I loved picking out each flower then
making them into a pleasing arrangement.
I would smile every time I passed them.
I did this in Long Beach MS, Reform AL, and now here is South Bend IN.
Although now,for the most part,
my arrangements are mostly from flowers I grow myself.
The one thing I learned was that you must do what makes you happy.
Don't depend on others to do it for you.
IF your partner does not shop,
then shop for yourself and put his name on it!
Yes, wrap it up and have him give it to you.
Eventually, a bit of this will rub off.
He will remember and take an interest.
It just takes time.
But you will be happy.

Speaking of happy!
I took meals to two new babies and their mommas yesterday!
Such tiny, perfect little people.
I even rock one little boy until my back was aching.
What a pleasant ache! listening God?,
I will rock my own little grandbabies!
These mommas are so unaware of the future they have taken on.
There are no instructions for either participant, mom or baby.
Taking the time to learn is what is important.
Get to know the sounds and faces he makes.
You are very tired, and honestly,
you won't ever get good sleep again!
Imprint each new achievement!
The pain is nothing next to the joy.
Seek out the wisdom of other mothers if not your own.
There is so much to learn.
Don't let the confusion and newness and frustrations
rob you of your joy, because there is someone who has been through it
and can help you when you need.

I am blessed!
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