Today was a disturbing day.
I woke to a dream that there was a huge flood coming
and I had to escape somehow with my young Ronni Lynn.
Water was in our escape route.
Then I woke to the sound of the TV in my room.
(I keep it on at night since the kids moved out)
At 7:23am, they were reporting that Japan was hit
by an 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami had caused complete
destruction in its path,
and was heading toward Hawaii and California and Oregon.
Funny how your brain works.
A complete dream sequence can occur in moments.
I learned that sometime in high school.
As when 9-11 occurred, I was glued to the television
waiting for the horror.
But today, I had a coffee date with a friend.
We discussed the catastrophes a bit,
but mostly caught up.
It was nice.
I felt loved and cared for.
I found out that she and two other friends were concerned for me.
They think I am too nice.
I can imagine one reason for their concern is my state of marriage.
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my husband, and I love our situation!
He is a truck driver and loves what he does.
He just doesn't get home often.
I miss him and he, me.
We talk all the time on the phone.
Seriously, at least ten times a day.
I go out on the road with him once a year for two or three weeks.
We are looking forward to retirement in the future.
I enjoy my time alone and I enjoy the freedom this allows me.
So please, do not be concerned for my happiness!
And I love caring for those I love!
I have a good friend who I knew in school.
We sat next to each other for six years in home room.
Her name is Kristen V and I was Kristen V.
We were never good friends in school,
although we liked each other.
A few years ago, our twenty fifth high school reunion was being planned.
Yes, I am that old!
For some reason, we got in touch on facebook
and have developed a wonderful friendship!
We pray for each other, share in joys and sorrows,
comfort each other when ill, encourage each other about our kids, etc.
And....she is letting me read the most wonderful manuscript as she is writing it!
I mention my friend because today, she learned that her husband
is being deployed just after Easter, for a year to Afghanistan.
My heart goes out to her family.
I am so appreciative for Blake and his fellow soldiers.
They will be in my daily prayers, as will Kristen and her family.
Our God is so good.
He answers my prayers and I am amazed at each answer,
even the nos or waits.
I can not comprehend how Kristen will struggle through each day.
I am blessed for the circumstances I am in.
I am thankful for all of the things I take for granted every moment.
The concern my friends have for me, humbles me.
I love you Kristen!
You are lifted up.
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