My sunshine turns 22 years old today!
Every bone in my body feels like I have a 22 year old.
Easiest labor and delivery I can imagine.
I actually slept through it all.
One push and out came my 9lb 11oz baby girl!
Papa came into my room and said...Hi Larry~!
She has brought us much trouble,
but all the good buries the bad so deeply,
I do not even remember it was there at all.
She is beautiful without trying,
inside is just a beautiful as outside.
Even more so in my opinion!
I am blessed every day by her empathy towards others.
She overcomes things so quickly, that it gives me hope
in my own struggles.
I depend on her for coloring my world.
She is never afraid to try anything
or dive right into the mess.
She is my scary movie buddy, my gardening partner,
the conversation started and ender,
she makes me laugh uncontrollably with every tale.
I love that she loves to be around me,
and that she has so many good friends to share her life with.
She is so very talented and deserves so much more from so many.
Her time will come and continues every day!
She loves God with all her heart and I am so proud of her.
Happy Birthday Beaner!
I am so very blessed!
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