It's always an adventure! Life of an artist while raising and releasing daughters. Memories, current happenings, short stories. My mistakes and triumphs along the way.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Word of the day: CONTENT
Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need,
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
CONTENT: A state of heart in which I would be at peace
if God gave me nothing more than what He already has.
I am studying Experiencing the Heart of Jesus by Max Lucado.
Thank you so much Kristen Ortner for recommending it!
Today I find myself content.
Today is also a good day.
I feel a little icky,
a little bumpy,
headache and just want to sleep.
But it is a good day.
The bills are paid,
the kids are fine,
the garden is gorgeous
with all kinds of birds flying in and out of my view.
Their songs fill my heart!
God is good all of the time!
I find that this is more true for me today that it was in my youth.
Lessons learned because God allowed me the pains to grow
instead of taking them from me.
Looking back, I am thankful for the "No's".
It's really hard to be thankful in the moment though.
As the years creep up and over me,
accepting and content are easier.
I reminded my family of the good and bad times
we have all come through together.
These seem to make today's struggles less.
By comparison....none of us have the struggles of the past!
My prayer for each of you in contentment!
In your every moment.
Through every tear.
Be thankful that He has given you what He has!
It's hard to do.
Wrap yourself in Jesus because He will suffer with you.
Most times He is the only one who will.
Comfort and Peace to you my friends.
Today I will finish spinning for my upcoming class in July.
I am dreaming of dying the palest of pinks and blues.
Maybe I'll even try some hand painting on silk fibers this week.
For that I may need to take a trip to a fiber festival.
Lots of dreams on this cloudy cool day.
Grateful for them all along with the possibilities.
I am blessed!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Bug Splat Windows
I enjoy watching the first Men in Black movie.
I especially get a kick out of the opening scene.
As I have been riding with my hubby in his 18 wheeler
every other year or two for the past 10 years,
I have seen my share of gutsy windshields.
Not a nice thing.
Especially when your only photo opportunities
are looking out the front window.
Trucking is not a sight seeing, stop in every cute little town, type of travel!
99% is from the freeway, in industrial zones, at high rates of speed,
and sometimes in the wee hours of the morning when nothing can be seen anyway.
Now, I must make mention that every trip I have taken so far,
my wonderful husband has done everything in his power to make my trip enjoyable!
He plans down time, tries to find the cleanest truck stops,
takes me to dinner or breakfast instead of a diet full of sandwiches
made by me on the road.
We have made pit stops in the desert so he could dig up a cactus for me to take home,
we have been to see the aliens in Roswell,
we have taken ferry rides to Newfoundland.
This trip, he stopped many times for photo opportunities that I will share in other blogs.
The day after we left corporate, and were about to cross into Canada,
I was dismayed at the bugs already on the 2000 mile windshield.
I began to rain a bit.
If you know anything about bugs on windshields, you know that rain does NOTHING!
They actually make a full strength bug wash for truckers.....
yes, I bought some!
However, I believe that God wants to great you your hearts' desires.
This light rain allowed me to view the first few miles into Canada.

I felt so blessed.
As time went on however, I had to clean my own windows.
After a while, instead of continuing to get angry,
I found it funny that my camera was focusing on the splats
instead of the scenery.
So here are a few photos for you to laugh along with me.
Unloading in Washington
A cool bridge in Washington
Tried to get the cool rain clouds
Can't even read this sign!
Canada through Terry's window
Through the whole windshield after a bug wash cleaning
Nice sunset, huh?!
I especially get a kick out of the opening scene.
As I have been riding with my hubby in his 18 wheeler
every other year or two for the past 10 years,
I have seen my share of gutsy windshields.
Not a nice thing.
Especially when your only photo opportunities
are looking out the front window.
Trucking is not a sight seeing, stop in every cute little town, type of travel!
99% is from the freeway, in industrial zones, at high rates of speed,
and sometimes in the wee hours of the morning when nothing can be seen anyway.
Now, I must make mention that every trip I have taken so far,
my wonderful husband has done everything in his power to make my trip enjoyable!
He plans down time, tries to find the cleanest truck stops,
takes me to dinner or breakfast instead of a diet full of sandwiches
made by me on the road.
We have made pit stops in the desert so he could dig up a cactus for me to take home,
we have been to see the aliens in Roswell,
we have taken ferry rides to Newfoundland.
This trip, he stopped many times for photo opportunities that I will share in other blogs.
The day after we left corporate, and were about to cross into Canada,
I was dismayed at the bugs already on the 2000 mile windshield.
I began to rain a bit.
If you know anything about bugs on windshields, you know that rain does NOTHING!
They actually make a full strength bug wash for truckers.....
yes, I bought some!
However, I believe that God wants to great you your hearts' desires.
This light rain allowed me to view the first few miles into Canada.
I felt so blessed.
As time went on however, I had to clean my own windows.
After a while, instead of continuing to get angry,
I found it funny that my camera was focusing on the splats
instead of the scenery.
So here are a few photos for you to laugh along with me.
Unloading in Washington
A cool bridge in Washington
Nice sunset, huh?!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Leaving the nest
Both of my chicks have left the proverbial nest.
Oh, it took a bit of doing,
but they are both on their own now.
I helped the youngest today, with some two person jobs.
When I came home..
.early, because neither of us own a power drill...
until tomorrow...
I walked around in my back yard.
I noticed something extra in a planter I had planted
hens and chickens in just the day before.
A baby robin was huddled as much as he could
into the planter.
I believe he left the nest a bit too early
and could not get back to it.
I slowly made my way into the house for a camera.
After a bit, the momma came and fed him a worm,
then flew off again.
She repeated this a few times.
After a bit, the baby bird decided to follow mama to the buffet.
Away he went.........missing the top of the fence by 5 inches.
Down he went into the daylillies.
Momma came back with another worm, but no baby.
Off she flew.
I tried to go and rescue him,
but the shrieking that ensued by both baby and momma,
turned me around.
Five or so minutes later, as I was looking out the window,
the baby bird managed to fly right into my window with a thump.
Then next time I looked out, he was on the picnic table on a watering can.
He tried to fly again, and ended up on the table again.
He walked around for quite a while,
on a bird feeder,
on a chair cushion, then a trash container.
Momma came back and fed him one more time.
I could tell he was getting really frustrated, as he kept trying to fly.
He kept landing short distances away.
After a bit, he settled on the BBQ grill as I can only imagine
he was exhausted.
He rested for quite some time, Momma never far away.
This got me to thinking about my little chicks.,
They are out in the world, living on their own, paying their bills,
making plans for their futures.
However, it is comforting to me to know that I,
just like Momma bird, am never far away if we are needed.
I know that both my girls will eventually move further away,
be less and less dependant on my company, and comfort.
They will make nests of their own to fill with eggs and family.
I am so happy that nature is the same for most of His creation.
There is a plan.
A rhythm.
An order.
And like the Father, I too, want the best for my girls.
I know that His plans far outshine mine for them.
I am content to know that He is in control
and that both my girls lean, and depend on Him.
More on Him as time goes by than on me.
Just as it should be!
As of right now, the baby bird has not left the grill.
It is getting colder outside and I am a bit concerned for him.
He will either learn to fly better, quickly,
Momma will rescue and guide him to safety,
or he will perish.
There really is nothing I can do.
There is a plan.
Hopefully this little fella will follow it.
As I pray mine do.
There is really nothing I can do.
(OOOPPPS! Off he flew after Momma...and this time overshot the fence!
He is getting stronger, and as I cannot see him anymore,
I will leave it at that!)
Off to clean off the grill.
Oh, it took a bit of doing,
but they are both on their own now.
I helped the youngest today, with some two person jobs.
When I came home..
.early, because neither of us own a power drill...
until tomorrow...
I walked around in my back yard.
I noticed something extra in a planter I had planted
hens and chickens in just the day before.
A baby robin was huddled as much as he could
into the planter.
I believe he left the nest a bit too early
and could not get back to it.
I slowly made my way into the house for a camera.
then flew off again.
She repeated this a few times.
After a bit, the baby bird decided to follow mama to the buffet.
Away he went.........missing the top of the fence by 5 inches.
Down he went into the daylillies.
Momma came back with another worm, but no baby.
Off she flew.
I tried to go and rescue him,
but the shrieking that ensued by both baby and momma,
turned me around.
Five or so minutes later, as I was looking out the window,
the baby bird managed to fly right into my window with a thump.
Then next time I looked out, he was on the picnic table on a watering can.
He tried to fly again, and ended up on the table again.
He walked around for quite a while,
on a bird feeder,
on a chair cushion, then a trash container.
Momma came back and fed him one more time.
I could tell he was getting really frustrated, as he kept trying to fly.
He kept landing short distances away.
After a bit, he settled on the BBQ grill as I can only imagine
he was exhausted.
He rested for quite some time, Momma never far away.
Momma still looking out for him.
Sometimes he seemed to settle stubbornly where it was not good for him to be.
This got me to thinking about my little chicks.,
They are out in the world, living on their own, paying their bills,
making plans for their futures.
However, it is comforting to me to know that I,
just like Momma bird, am never far away if we are needed.
I know that both my girls will eventually move further away,
be less and less dependant on my company, and comfort.
They will make nests of their own to fill with eggs and family.
I am so happy that nature is the same for most of His creation.
There is a plan.
A rhythm.
An order.
And like the Father, I too, want the best for my girls.
I know that His plans far outshine mine for them.
I am content to know that He is in control
and that both my girls lean, and depend on Him.
More on Him as time goes by than on me.
Just as it should be!
As of right now, the baby bird has not left the grill.
It is getting colder outside and I am a bit concerned for him.
He will either learn to fly better, quickly,
Momma will rescue and guide him to safety,
or he will perish.
There really is nothing I can do.
There is a plan.
Hopefully this little fella will follow it.
As I pray mine do.
There is really nothing I can do.
(OOOPPPS! Off he flew after Momma...and this time overshot the fence!
He is getting stronger, and as I cannot see him anymore,
I will leave it at that!)
Off to clean off the grill.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
a good day is in the eye of the beholder
I am feeling more blessed than usual today.
Blessed to be over full,
just because a Sonic strawberry shake sounded so good,
that I also got a double cheeseburger.
I never eat burgers anymore.....dumb commercial.
Blessed that I got a bit of a sunburn
while working in the yard on the hottest day of the year.
Blessed that most of my muscles are so sore from thus work
that I can barely move after reclining for 30 minutes.
Blessed that I have the bills I have,
the lifestyle I have,
the friends I have,
the family I have....even with all of their imperfections.
Blessed with my very weird dog, Chuck.
Blessed even more because I am so imperfect and impaired,
stubborn, moody, lazy, and the list goes on.
Blessed because we had a baptism today at Living Stones Church.
The Spirit moves there every day.
The people I meet and encounter there are amazing!
Blessed to be connected to friends from thirty years ago,
who are also struggling in their lives,
but are oh so willing to share their lives with me.
Blessed to:
see the seasons,
hope for futures,
dream of retirement,
laugh so hard at Martin's salad
with the girly girls that I pee my pants,
take long truck trips with my honey,
be a shoulder when my kids need one,
grow with my communitas group.
I am so very blessed and thankful today
because I have a cyber friend, who I have "known" for four plus years,
who is taking her last breaths,
seeing her last days,
living her last moments.
Eileen has been suffering from cancer for many years.
She has blog if you would like to visit.
Mostly about dealing with her cancer.
She and I share a love of fiber.
Her last days are being spent in disorder, pain and a failing body.
She is so positive about what is happening.
It is not fun,
it is not pretty.
It is what it is.
She hopes that she has made a difference,
even if for only a moment,
in someones life.
She has in mine today.
She showed me that every breath I take is a blessing.
I can enjoy every moment with JOY!
I will not let tiny problems or even the large ones
distract me from enjoying my life.
I will listen to the birds, walk in my garden, smile at strangers
and make sure that loved ones know they are loved every moment!
Thank you Eileen.
See you soon, where there will be no more pain for you!
Blessed to be over full,
just because a Sonic strawberry shake sounded so good,
that I also got a double cheeseburger.
I never eat burgers anymore.....dumb commercial.
Blessed that I got a bit of a sunburn
while working in the yard on the hottest day of the year.
Blessed that most of my muscles are so sore from thus work
that I can barely move after reclining for 30 minutes.
Blessed that I have the bills I have,
the lifestyle I have,
the friends I have,
the family I have....even with all of their imperfections.
Blessed with my very weird dog, Chuck.
Blessed even more because I am so imperfect and impaired,
stubborn, moody, lazy, and the list goes on.
Blessed because we had a baptism today at Living Stones Church.
The Spirit moves there every day.
The people I meet and encounter there are amazing!
Blessed to be connected to friends from thirty years ago,
who are also struggling in their lives,
but are oh so willing to share their lives with me.
Blessed to:
see the seasons,
hope for futures,
dream of retirement,
laugh so hard at Martin's salad
with the girly girls that I pee my pants,
take long truck trips with my honey,
be a shoulder when my kids need one,
grow with my communitas group.
I am so very blessed and thankful today
because I have a cyber friend, who I have "known" for four plus years,
who is taking her last breaths,
seeing her last days,
living her last moments.
Eileen has been suffering from cancer for many years.
She has blog if you would like to visit.
Mostly about dealing with her cancer.
She and I share a love of fiber.
Her last days are being spent in disorder, pain and a failing body.
She is so positive about what is happening.
It is not fun,
it is not pretty.
It is what it is.
She hopes that she has made a difference,
even if for only a moment,
in someones life.
She has in mine today.
She showed me that every breath I take is a blessing.
I can enjoy every moment with JOY!
I will not let tiny problems or even the large ones
distract me from enjoying my life.
I will listen to the birds, walk in my garden, smile at strangers
and make sure that loved ones know they are loved every moment!
Thank you Eileen.
See you soon, where there will be no more pain for you!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Truck life.
Yes, I am doing laundry again.
Poor Terry has had to put up with a lot from my over sensative nose.
Now the laundry gets put into a garbage bag
and stored under the truck in an outside tool compartment.
I commented that sometimes, after I have been working in the yard,
that I offend myself and hop into the shower directly.
He told me that other people would surely not be offended,
I just have a weird nose.
We have delivered our two loads in Dawson's Creek
and have made it back to Edmonton, five hours back to where we started.
We will load out of Edmonton on Monday heading to somewhere
in Washington State...near the Idaho Canada border.
We have been greatly blessed by this, as these were good paying loads,
and for once, or so I'm told, Tyler, the driver manager who doles out loads,
was kind enough to preload us with this next load.
I sent flowery thank you's to him complete with smiley faces.
Terry made sure that I signed my name and not his....
leaving no doubt whatsoever who sent the message!
I have been enjoying the trip very much.
I have gotten lots of knitting done.
(V, you may get your birthday gift afterall!)
The North Western part of Canada is very flat, mostly agriculteral,
and lots of wet lands.
We saw a bit of snow still on the ground.
I have never seen so many Mallard ducks, and many other varieties,
with their butts up, bobbing for things.....
Literally, hundreds in the spring thaw puddles along side the highway.
I have seen four deer, a small heard of antelope,
one huge female moose and two large grey foxes.
However, I have not had time to take photos of these, as the truck is way too bouncey.
I have taken photos of funny street signs tho....of which I will post when I get home.
Signs like......Important intersection ahead ie: dangerous intersection ahead
Squeeze left ie: merge left
I love to hear Canadians talk!
It sounds just like the folks from Fargo! EH?
Everyone has been so nice!
Those that we see anyway....really an isolated area on this side of the country.
I told Terry that it seemed like I was at Disney World, or in a foreign country...
(I was so excited and wanted to know everything about Canada.)
To which he said...honey you are in a foreign country.
I have at least two more blogs on Canada, but my laundry is done and I need to get back to work!
So very blessed here up in the endless sky country!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
On the Road Again
It has been two years since I came out on the road with hubby.
Mainly two years, because he has had the same truck that long.
The last time I came out on the road was when he got this last truck.
I go to help him set up the new truck and ride around for a week or two
in a fresh, clean environment.
This wasn't the case in the second year.
This time around, he got a 2012 Freightliner not yellow!
Not exactly what he wanted on the inside,
it has bunks and no cabinetry, refrigerator or room for much else.
It only has 2900 miles on it tho,
as his old truck has over 500,000.
When I say getting a new truck, I mean that he is leasing a new truck with the same company.
He is considered an owner operator and not a company driver.
Last time I came on the road, I helped switch trucks out.
Dirty nasty work.
This time, I have done five hours of laundry at the ATS drivers' lounge,
knit quite a bit, and read almost a complete book.
I am freshly showered, legs shaved, make up and hair done.
(this was quite the experience, as I am the only woman around for miles
surrounded by swearing, dirty, very smelly men!
The small door knob lock was all the kept me safe
in this not so ventilated shower area for women only!)
Yes, I am a little miffed about this turn of events.
Apparently, my husband has forgotten that I live on my own,
and tackle most things around the house by myself.
Either he is being considerate, or obstinate, and I believe the latter.
No worries though.
I am very happy to play the lady role.
I do have a VERY sensitive nose.
Really overly sensitive to ALL smells!
Afraid hubby will be showering alot more than he is used to!
We are taking some large farm equipment in to Canada.
Delivering in Dawson's Creek British Columbia at the end of the week.
Looking forward to this trip as I have not been this far north west into the continent before!
Hopefully we will also get down into Seattle for a day as well,
if the load gods are kind to us!
Back to knitting!
Mainly two years, because he has had the same truck that long.
The last time I came out on the road was when he got this last truck.
I go to help him set up the new truck and ride around for a week or two
in a fresh, clean environment.
This wasn't the case in the second year.
This time around, he got a 2012 Freightliner not yellow!
Not exactly what he wanted on the inside,
it has bunks and no cabinetry, refrigerator or room for much else.
It only has 2900 miles on it tho,
as his old truck has over 500,000.
When I say getting a new truck, I mean that he is leasing a new truck with the same company.
He is considered an owner operator and not a company driver.
Last time I came on the road, I helped switch trucks out.
Dirty nasty work.
This time, I have done five hours of laundry at the ATS drivers' lounge,
knit quite a bit, and read almost a complete book.
I am freshly showered, legs shaved, make up and hair done.
(this was quite the experience, as I am the only woman around for miles
surrounded by swearing, dirty, very smelly men!
The small door knob lock was all the kept me safe
in this not so ventilated shower area for women only!)
Yes, I am a little miffed about this turn of events.
Apparently, my husband has forgotten that I live on my own,
and tackle most things around the house by myself.
Either he is being considerate, or obstinate, and I believe the latter.
No worries though.
I am very happy to play the lady role.
I do have a VERY sensitive nose.
Really overly sensitive to ALL smells!
Afraid hubby will be showering alot more than he is used to!
We are taking some large farm equipment in to Canada.
Delivering in Dawson's Creek British Columbia at the end of the week.
Looking forward to this trip as I have not been this far north west into the continent before!
Hopefully we will also get down into Seattle for a day as well,
if the load gods are kind to us!
Back to knitting!
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