Sunday, May 20, 2012

a good day is in the eye of the beholder

I am feeling more blessed than usual today.
Blessed to be over full,
just because a Sonic strawberry shake sounded so good,
that I also got a double cheeseburger.
I never eat burgers anymore.....dumb commercial.

Blessed that I got a bit of a sunburn
while working in the yard on the hottest day of the year.
Blessed that most of my muscles are so sore from thus work
that I can barely move after reclining for 30 minutes.

Blessed that I have the bills I have,
the lifestyle I have,
the friends I have,
the family I have....even with all of their imperfections.
Blessed with my very weird dog, Chuck.

Blessed even more because I am so imperfect and impaired,
stubborn, moody, lazy, and the list goes on.

Blessed because we had a baptism today at Living Stones Church.
The Spirit moves there every day.
The people I meet and encounter there are amazing!

Blessed to be connected to friends from thirty years ago,
who are also struggling in their lives,
but are oh so willing to share their lives with me.

Blessed to:
see the seasons,
hope for futures,
dream of retirement,
laugh so hard at Martin's salad
with the girly girls that I pee my pants,
take long truck trips with my honey,
be a shoulder when my kids need one,
grow with my communitas group.

I am so very blessed and thankful today
because I have a cyber friend, who I have "known" for four plus years,
who is taking her last breaths,
seeing her last days,
living her last moments.

Eileen has been suffering from cancer for many years.
She has blog if you would like to visit.
Mostly about dealing with her cancer.

She and I share a love of fiber.

Her last days are being spent in disorder, pain and a failing body.
She is so positive about what is happening.
It is not fun,
it is not pretty.
It is what it is.
She hopes that she has made a difference,
even if for only a moment,
in someones life.

She has in mine today.
She showed me that every breath I take is a blessing.
I can enjoy every moment with JOY!
I will not let tiny problems or even the large ones
distract me from enjoying my life.
I will listen to the birds, walk in my garden, smile at strangers
and make sure that loved ones know they are loved every moment!

Thank you Eileen.
See you soon, where there will be no more pain for you!

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