As a parent, you never know what the right thing is to do.
There are no instruction manuals,
and if there were...they would be rather useless.
Every child and every parent is different,
with different responses and attitudes.
When I was mulling over the past blog,
I was remembering how, as a young mother with young kids,
I again, was oblivious most of the time.
The younger childeren however, were less skilled
at covering up their mischief.
I remember two instances:
When we lived in Alabama, I had at least an acre of daffodils
that bloomed every spring.
My motto was that they lasted longer and could be enjoyed by more
if they were not picked.
One morning, I looked out my window to find NO daffodils at all!
I later discovered that my two angels and the neighbor's daughter had picked
all the heads off of the flowers and had hidden them under Hilary's crib.
An acre worth of daffodil heads....couldn't even put them in vases!
Another time, I was hosting a small group valentine party one evening.
During the day, I set out the table with non perishable foods.
The kids, again the three angels, were instructed
that they could have anything in the kitchen to eat
but leave the party food alone. I went about my business.
As I looked out the kitchen window, I saw three small girls running full out,
acroos the backyard into the "woods".
I also noticed that their sweat pant legs looked odd.
When I checked the table, all the oreos were gone.
The girls had stuffed all the cookies into their pants.
We won't even talk about the time they snuck into the neighbor's potatoe patch
and dug up all the potatoes to make soup. Mr. Murray was not happy.
The reason for the previous blog, mainly is because all of us, me included,
do some dumb things and think that no one will ever know.
Moms always have an instinct to look out the window at the right time,
journals are always found by those you wish did not.
Stop signs are run when you assume no cop is ever watching,
Jewelry or clothing are taken from a dressing room when you assume there
is never a camera or security watching.
Even the rich and famous do Paris Hilton videos,
Winona Ryder shoplifting, Tiger Woods infidelities.
Humans are unbelievably self centered and daft.
God sees things in our hearts before there is an action.
Children grow up.
Mothers, even after the children are married with children of their own,
will always worry, will always find out, what you think only you know.
This is ment as an observation on my part about my kids, and other mothers who
are feeling alone. You are not.
We raise them as well as we can,
and they must go into the world to make their own way.
I am just finding it difficult to give them over to God completely yet.
I must admit, that I am getting better! Just a bit.