I am not saying this to try to sound righteous.
I am just stating this as a fact.
I don't understand why.
I know that my peace of mind would be so much better if I didn't.
God has somehow given me the circumstances.
I am a very trusting person.
I will believe anything you tell me.
I will not assume that you are doing wrong.
But one way or another,
I always seem to find out.
Know this now,
as I have tried to tell you
many many times before.
It is so much easier for me and you both
when you just tell me the truth.
People don't keep secrets well.
Situations always rat you out.
Even if you think you are being so careful.
It only takes a moment.
My feelings get hurt.
You feel guilty or angry.
Our relationship is strained for a half of a second.
I do have wisdom from experience.
I can think clearly and give you wise advice most times.
I have been quiet until asked.
Most times.
I never want to hurt you.
I only want what is best for you.
However, I will allow you to make your own decisions.
I will let you suffer your own consequences.
I will not suffer consequences for you any longer.
I will not allow you to do something
that will cause me
to suffer ANY consequences.
Trust that I love you.
Because I do.
God just gives mommas something inside.
Something that makes it possible for us
to be in the right place at the right time.
To see with the eyes in the back of our head.
To read your mind.
Read what is not ment for us, what we are not looking for,
but always finds us.
See things that we would rather not see.
OH! I wish this sight on you in future years.
The mother's curse.
Be good and be honest!
Be true to yourself and to your MOMMA!
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