Today is the first day of March!
Today is the first day of really bright, warming sunshine!
I took notice of this after a few instances.
My oldest daughter texted me how beautiful it was outside.
She also mentioned how beautiful she felt!
Amazing what a bit of sunshine can do for your spirits!
I have noticed that most face book comments in the Indiana area are all about
the sunshine and that they are feeling warmed!
My dog, Charlie has also found the sunshine.
I have watched him move from the east front door,
to the south kitchen window,
to the more southern part of the house, in the family room where the
sun has made a patch on the carpet.
Charlie seems to be seeking out the warmth for only the warmth and light it brings.
Do dogs know and feel like we do about the first bright sun?
It feels like he does.
He goes from room to room after the sun patch moves.
He must get a chill.
When he finds it again, he scratches at the floor, chair, carpet, to make his new warm area fit for him.
The sun is no longer in my house,
but soon will be as it sets, into my family room windows.
It is still too chilly for Charlie to lay in the grass in a patch of sunshine.
HA...There is still snow everywhere!
I have been studying women's empowerment this morning
while my doggie was searching for his warmth.
One lecture was on the Samaritan woman at the well.
The disciples were out looking for lunch.
Jesus was also tired and hungry, but he forgot his needs in favor of the needs of a woman.
He looked down into the town and saw the fields of harvest.
His passion, his hunger, tightened his stomach for the people and not for his need for food.
I want to seek for the forget my needs and look toward others' needs!
Thank you God for placing sunshine patches in my life.
To tighten my passion. To warm me from the inside out and the outside in.
Thank you Charlie for reminding me to seek these patches out.
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