A cow doesn't moo to become a cow.
He moos because he already is a cow.
A duck quacks, and apple tree produces apples
because that is what they are.
They naturally do what they are.
They don't do to become, they do because they already are.
(taken from a call to Grace by David Nasser)
Ephesians 2:10 says
for we are his workmanship (masterpiece),
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them.
God has predetermined works to accomplish.
He wants to do these through us.
He has given us the ways and means to succeed in His plan.
The fruits of the Spirit, the Beatitudes and the Great Commission
are all very clear about the works He wants to display through our lives.
We can't do it on our own.
Never could even if we wanted to.
But we can do it through Him using us.
I have learned, in my 45+ years of life,
that God has things for me to do for Him.
I hope to continue learning how to accomplish these things
without so much nudging from God.
God loves me, and I am not a puppet.
However, He does have a plan.
He lets me know His plan,
but because of my free will,
He allows me to wander off, bump into things, get hurt, discouraged and fail.
Then He gently reminds me of His plan again.
Hopefully I get it the second time,
because I know from experience,
that I will eventually get around to doing things His way.
His plans always work out.
Mine never do.
And the rewards, peace, joy and satisfaction
for allowing Him to work through me,
are undescribably wonderful!
I can look back and see where He was guiding me.
The stepping stones that He laid out before me to follow.
I can see the paths I took that were apart from his.
And I can see where I returned to His way.
It is best to learn quickly,
to follow the path the first time,
because I have discovered that I will continually have
the same "learning opportunities"
over and over again,
until I get it right.
One of my favorite poems since High School
is that of Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken."
It is always best to choose the path less traveled.
That is God's path.
There are many blessings there.
No pot holes, or litter at the side,
or billboards leading me to destructive things.
So even the good I now do, has it's source in God who made it possible.
I cannot boast!
But I sure can MOO!
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